
Monthly archives: April 2014

India's voters won't get fooled again

Here’s the best way to understand the new India in 30 seconds. Watch this commercial—or better yet, if you don’t understand Hindi, read on.A smarmy-looking politician addresses a rural gathering, promising to give the people access to water. His speech is interrupted by a boyish young man, a villager, who pulls out his smartphone and plays a YouTube video for all to see: it’s the same politician, making the same […]

The 20 Catch-22s Of Being In Your 20s

Life is full of contradictions, oxymorons and ironies. As we get older, decisions become harder and consequences become greater. Nothing comes without a price and everything forces you to make a small sacrifice. Unfortunately (and fortunately) for our generation, we now know the ramifications of the things we do, unlike the generations before. If you choose to smoke cigarettes, you are enjoying yourself now, but harming yourself later. If we […]

In Ukraine and elsewhere, Canada needs a strong military to back up its bravado

Canada has set aside its former cherished international position as self-proclaimed peacekeeper, and now has an opportunity to graduate from the Harper government’s more commendable but still unsatisfactory status as a mouse that roars, to some level of international relevance. Canada was a good ally in the World Wars and as a co-founder of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The notion of peacekeeping took hold in 1956, after the British […]

South Korea ferry disaster: Fisherman still haunted by passengers' screams

Fisherman Kim Hyun-ho finds no peace when he lies down at night. The hundreds of dead or missing passengers from the Sewol ferry disaster haunt his sleep. Their screams ring in his head. He has vivid memories of his rush to save them in his modest fishing boat off South Korea’s coast 10 days ago. Kim thinks he may have pulled 25 people from the frigid waters of the Yellow […]

10 Foods You Should Eat Every Day

The majority of foods that the many people are eating are dense with ingredients that are helping to create poor health or foods that are processed in such a way that is helping (a big helping) your health take a downward spiral if consistently eaten.   These foods should really come with a warning label! Foods that are packed with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, enzymes arepowerful in terms of creating […]


Dolphins Form Forcefield Around Marathon Swimmer, Protecting Him From A Vicious Shark

British competitive swimmer Adam Walker was swimming through New Zealand waters last Tuesday when he noticed a 7-foot shark directly beneath him. The creature decided not to attack, however, after approximately 10 dolphins surrounded Walker, swimming right along with him for over an hour. They came so close at a few points that Walker remembered feeling their tails brushing his body. It’s not clear whether the dolphins joined Walker to […]

25 Of The Most Incredible And Unique Parts Of Yourself That You Should Never Change

Change is great – it’s an unavoidable facet of life. To change is to make progress, to learn, to live, to continue being. However, not all change is for the better. People seem to always think that reinventing themselves is the best thing to do when they find themselves in a rut. People want to change their location, change their friends, change the things they like to do. Sometimes it’s […]


This Squirrel Has Some Serious Nuts As It Attacks And Eats A Snake (Video)

This squirrel had grown tired of its boring diet of nuts and berries, so it decided to see what all the fuss about that “hunting” business was all about. It also realized that going after a predator would probably be a much more fulfilling use of its lightning speed and vicious biting attacks. The first animal in sight seems to have been this snake, which was a bit taken back […]

she distributed life jackets,died without

The number of crew members charged is rising, and so is the anger that families feel. But there’s one crew member they are leaving out: Park Jee Young, 22, who by witness accounts helped passengers escape and distributed life jackets — one after the other to students — as the stricken ferry began to sink. When she ran out of jackets, she ran to the next floor to grab more. […]