
Monal of Sushness : Day 18,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta


#MonalofSushness : Day 18. Monal of twenty three was a graduate and had already changed jobs twice. Some of her best moments came when her little sister visited her from a city not too far where she was studying to be a graduate.

One Sunday afternoon became special, a shared special to both. They watched on a video player one movie fourteen times, repeating only parts though. Must have been the lead actor or the songs or the dances or the romance or perhaps whatever was going on in their own lives at that time.

Their grand aunt who was hosting them, an extemely cool lady otherwise for her age, felt a tad worried about this shared activity of the two sisters. She asked of them the name of the movie and on hearing the name, it did not look like it eased her mind much. The movie was “Dirty Dancing.”


Art By: Ashwin Pandya

Story By: Sushmita Gupta



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