
Monsoon health tips


Rainy season does not only bring in some respite from the sweltering heat, but also brings along the risk of weakened digestion, allergies and food-borne diseases. The urge to binge on fried snacks from outside can become a nightmare during this time. Adding to this, the humidity levels take a toll on overall health. High humidity levels reduce the capability of the body to digest at its lowest, which is why most health experts suggest avoiding heavy and oily snacks as they could lead to an upset stomach. The gut serves many essential roles in sustaining and protecting the overall health and wellness of our bodies; therefore, it is imperative to keep our guts happy and healthy this monsoon. We suggest some tips to keep your gut healthy this rainy season.

Drink enough water, regardless of your activity levels.

Do not compensate your liquid intake with carbonated, caffeinated, and alcoholic drinks and beverages as the preservatives and sugars in them act as diuretics.  Herbal teas with antibacterial properties are a good idea.

Cleanliness – Micro-organisms are susceptible to grow in the rainy season, try to maintain hygiene around you Cleanliness is very important during rainy season. Even if you catch a cold, you should clean your hands regularly and use a sanitizer always after that.

Keep Rain Gear With you Always – The most effective thing that you can do is to keep your rain gear always ready when you go out in the rainy season. A raincoat with hooded jacket and waterproof shoes are the best items.

Dry food: It is better not to go for the watery food during the monsoons such as juices available outside, lassi ad other watery fruits. Instead go for the dry category of food such as pea, flour, corn etc. As consumption of too much watery food during monsoon can give rise to swelling in your body. So, it’s better to avoid.

Vitamin C – Increasing the intake of Vitamin C either in natural form or as food supplement will help you drive away the cold virus faster. It is still a matter of debate among doctors whether Vitamin C is cure for cold. However, a healthy supply of this vitamin will activate your antibodies and reduce the severity of cold, undoubtedly.

Use insect repellents, disinfectants and take proper precautions to stay away from mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches termites etc. Use neem camphor or cloves; to minimize the presence of mosquitoes.

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