
Tags archives: ashwinpandya

Monal of Sushness : Day 18,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

         #MonalofSushness : Day 18. Monal of twenty three was a graduate and had already changed jobs twice. Some of her best moments came when her little sister visited her from a city not too far where she was studying to be a graduate. One Sunday afternoon became special, a shared special to both. They watched on a video player one movie fourteen times, repeating only parts […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 16,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

           #MonalofSushness : Day 16. Monal of age five had to travel by a bus that seemed very big to her, to school. In her planned small town, no child was supposed to have to do this. But due to temporary lack in space in a near-by school Monal and some of her friends who lived close by, faced this predicament. Travelling by a big school […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 14,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

#MonalofSushness : Day 14. Monal had remembrance of the smell of incense sticks from a time when she was very little. Perhaps three. She remembered artificial fragrance of rose from before her little sister was born. Monal’s Babi, her father loved them and he would light them regularly to express faith and also sometimes just for pleasure. Monal too grew a soft spot for these hand rolled sticks of beautiful […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 12,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

#MonalofSushness : Day 12. Monal of four loved to hear stories. Her Babi, father, told her stories of valour and loyalty and honesty from World History and Roman, Greek and Indian Mythology, Her Mamma recounted stories from her own childhood. Some of these real life stories amused Monal to bits and she wanted to hear them again and again. There was one that she did not even wish to think […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 2,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

 (Artwork by Ashwin Pandya) Monal at age four had a few engagements in her mind. One was a radio. The radio felt perched high up beyond reach but belted out songs in Hindi and Bangla. “Bindiya chamkegi, chudi khankegi” would be one she would remember later too to have heard there. Also this was a song that Vibha her classmate could sing. Though Monal was the best in numbers and alphabets […]