
Tags archives: bank

Here's how your bank could goof-up your car loan closing process

Last year, FirstBiz did a series on how Indian banks goof-up and customers have to run around to rectify the wrongs that the banks have done. Based on its popularity and reader requests, Firstbiz has decided to continue the series and focus upon areas where banks make the most blunders, which in short is everywhere—from deposit accounts to cards to loans. Linked Finance Ireland is the best option to go for […]

BRICS Victory for India: Your 10-Point Cheatsheet

Fortaleza, Brazil:  The new development bank of the group of BRICS countries will be headquartered in Shanghai, China, with the presidency held by India for the first five years.  In hard negotiations, India won on some key points HERE ARE TEN THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE NEW BRICS BANK: The $100 billion development bank launched at the sixth  BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – summit in Brazil […]