
Tags archives: body

Here's how sitting harms your body

Here’s what really happens to your body after sitting through a sit-com marathon. 1) ON YOUR SPINE The problem: Sitting for long hours curve your spine into a C-shape, and keeping it that way for too long can cause cramped and aching muscles. The solution: Consider a recliner or tucking a pillow behind your chair. It’ll keep your back straight and comfortable, and help you maintain proper posture. 2) ON […]

Your Mind & Body Are Not Separate. This Chart Explains It All

How often do we go about our days feeling things within our body and trying to figure them out yet never really find the answers? We might go to a doctor and explain what’s going on. We might say we have tightness in our shoulders, pain in our knees, constant stomach or abdomen issues or maybe pains in our feet. There’s no doubt that sometimes these things can truly be […]