
Tags archives: neem

Know the wonders of neem!

Neem is a herb and is very good for health. It is easily available to us throughout the year and has been an integral part of the Ayurveda heritage. Its juice is equally good for various health reasons. Though many are aware that its good for health, they do not know what benefits it gives to our body. Here are some health benefits of neem leaves which we all should […]

12 Amazing Health Wonders Of The Neem Tree

Although Neem (Hindi for “Miracle tree”, Margosa or Indian Lilac), aptly called the “drug cabinet of Mother Nature”, is celebrated for the countless benefits that it bestows, but it’s curative worth is what makes it an essential part of any natural treatment. Neem is widely used in many Ayurvedic medicinal preparations and revered not only for its deep action but also the complete lack of side-effects. There will rarely be […]