
Tags archives: painkillers

Try to stay away from painkillers, warns study

Just a week of painkiller use can elevate the risk of heart attack, warns a new study. According to the study published in The BMJ journal, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat pain and inflammation could be raising risk of having a heart attack as early as in the first week of use and especially within the first month of taking high doses of such medication. Previous studies suggested that […]

Long-Term Painkiller Use Increases Risk of Depression

According to new research, people who frequently take opioid medicines or painkillers to deal with chronic pain are more likely to get depressed.   Previous research suggests that depression is associated with patients’ opioid use, but this particular study has identified the link between an increase in opioid use and an increase in depression.   Jeffrey Scherrer, associate professor for family and community medicine at the Saint Louis University in […]