
Tags archives: solutions

What Is Chronic Inflammation? Do You Have It?

What is Inflammation? Inflammation is the body’s biological response of attempting to protect itself. It aims to remove harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells and irritants; this is the first step of the healing process. Inflammations triggers a response from the immune system, initial inflammation is beneficial for protection, but a lot of the time inflammation can lead to further inflammation which is bad. The five signs to look […]

Health hazards of using mobile phones and their solutions

  With increasing technological advancement, mobile phones are being used extensively in the world. Important conversations can be carried out over mobile phones and it can prove to be useful during emergencies.They are portable so one can carry them wherever they want to. But few people are unaware of the negative health hazards of a mobile phone. Mobile phones emit radio frequency energy which is a form of electromagnetic radiation.Electromagnetic […]