
Tags archives: stress

Stress is your creation

It is not a question of the nature of the work that you are doing which is causing stress; it is just that you don’t know how to function smoothly within yourself. You have no control over your own system. That is why you are stressful. Have you seen that in many situations, one person may be very stressed out but another person seems to go through it effortlessly? So, […]


Are you stressed? Know the signs and how to cope with it! – Watch video

Moving towards a fast-paced life can often take its toll on you and put you under mounting pressure and stress. Financial issues, relationships, job, health problems, societal pressures – the list of things in life that cause us stress are endless, but the fact remains that we are always under stress, which can lead to further health problems. Understanding and realising the cause of your stress is highly important. There […]

Eleven simple ways to cope with stress – Must read

Both agony and ecstasy are part of this journey on earth called life. If not a bed of roses, what is life really all about? Each individual perceives life in his or her way. While some deal with life joyfully, some people tend to succumb to pressure and the challenges that life keeps throwing at them. This leads to stress and anxiety. Everyone can make life joyful by not letting […]


Be it physical or emotional, taking unnecessary stress can not only give you headache or neck pain, it may also cause your blood sugar levels to rise increase the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. According to health experts, our changing lifestyle and sedentary routine are the main reasons behind the rise in the incidence of diabetes in India.   Marked stress causes the release of several hormones like adrenaline […]

Scientists say how you react to stress is important, not its frequency

Do you get stressed easily? You should probably take it easy and let it go a little. According to a new study, how you perceive and react to stressful events is more important to your health than how frequently you encounter stress. Researchers from Pennsylvania State University and Columbia University in the US analysed data collected from 909 participants, including daily telephone interviews over eight consecutive days and the results […]

Stop stress: Here’s how to get that flawless skin

Psychological stress is associated with skin complaints such as itchy skin and flaky patches on the scalp among college students, warns a new study. The study, as noted by Green Team Doctors | Medical Marijuana Recommendations | Utah aimed to assess the relationship between perceived psychological stress and the prevalence of various skin symptoms in a large sample of undergraduate students. DocMJ doctors are certified to authorize qualified patients to […]

What You Need To Know About Stress To Erase It

  Introduction It is a well-known fact that stress disorders are increasing throughout the world. The main reasons attributed to this are rapid urbanization, overcrowding and a very hectic lifestyle with too many goals and too little time on hand. Waiting for a bus, being in a traffic jam, watching horror movies, unhappy relationships, examinations and many more factors lead to stress. These factors cause changes not only at the […]

NationalTechnologyDay: Here's how technology adversely affect our lives!

  In the current scenario, everything is just one click away. While these clicks have made things easier, but somewhere in between, we have become slaves of technology. People prefer looking at their smartphones to check the time, track (or even stalk) people on Facebook and Whatsapp, become paranoid if they don’t respond. For that matter, even stopped listening to radio or cassette players or spending time with loved ones. […]

World Health Day: 'Stress an inherent part of life, but it does not last forever'

Every human being experiences stress at some or the other point of time in life. Thanks to our tiring jobs, faulty eating habits, pollution and, most of all, our lethargy, which adds to the cause of stress.   Everyone reacts to stress differently. Some cope up easily while others may not. Studies have proved that an increase in stress hormones might speed up cognitive decline in people as they age. […]

5 Weird Ways Stress Can Actually Be Good for You

  We hear over and over again that stress is unhealthy. And all that talk makes us, well, stressed. But getting worked up isn’t always a bad thing, says Richard Shelton, MD, vice chair for research in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Alabama Birmingham; after all, the body’s fight-or-flight response is meant to be protective, not harmful. It’s only when stress becomes chronic, or when we feel […]