
Tags archives: willpower

8 Simple Methods to Boost Your Willpower and Self Control

Surely if you’ve ever tried helping someone quit smoking, odds are that you will hear the word “will” spoken in the first 5 minutes. Aside from the popular procrastinating sentence: “I will quit smoking next year”, you might hear a smoker say: “It takes a lot of willpower to give up on cigarettes”. What do you think is the reason that most people quit smoking? Is it because they don’t […]

How to improve our willpower

“Is there a way to strengthen someone’s willpower?” That was the question on researchers’ minds as they learned more about how the science behind this human virtue. Through many tests, they had discovered that willpower is like a muscle – it gets tired from overuse and requires food to replenish. So, if it does act like a muscle, can it also be strengthened? After several studies, we have our answer! […]