
Travel expenses, prices, health care & safety in USA


Travel expenses, prices & safety

We have calculated that the total cost of hotels booking in USA is bigger then cost of accommodation in India . Prices in restaurants are usually bigger than in India.
A consumer price index (CPI) measures changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. USA price index is 54 and is higher then India. This means that prices in USA are higher than prices in India.

When you plan budget travel to USA remember that groceries prices are bigger than in India. For example:

Bread (0,5Kg) about 141.05 INR
Water (1.5 L) about 107.90 INR
Milk (1L) about 57.87 INR
Cheese (1kg) about 572.65 INR
Eggs (10) about 107.90 INR
The second thing you’ll probably want to know is fuel price in USA:

Gasoline price 55.46 INR
Diesel price 63.90 INR
Health care & travel safety

Health care ranking is based on an index of factors like: speed of service, protection of privacy, quality of amenities, health care professionals, equipment, staff, doctors, and cost. Health Care Index for USA is 80. On the basis of these data we can say that health care system in USA is better than health care in India.

USA is more dangerous than India and life quality is better than standard of living in India.

Those charts show detailed comparison about Safety, Health Care, Prices in USA

he most importand indexes for travellers are:

safety index, less than 40 means that this country is really unsafe
health care index above 55 means that there shouldn’t be any any significant problems with health care
Other indexes:

consumer price index is based on basket of consumer goods
groceries prices index is based on products like milk, bread, chees, weather
hotels price index is based on average price of the reservation
restaurant prices index is the cost of lunch at typical restaurants in USA
life quality index is based on a method that links the results of subjective life-satisfaction surveys

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