
True Education Is To Learn From Experience


A gang of thieves entered a bank. They made the employees face the wall with their hands on the wall. After emptying the bank vaults, they started taking valuables such as cash, watch, phones, and other things that the employees were carrying with them. One of them handed over something to his friend who was standing next to him. His friend asked, “Why are you giving me something when the robbers are emptying our pockets?” The employee answered, “I just returned the USD200 that I owed you.”

We are full of cunning, aren’t we?

“My mind is such a problem. I am not able to decipher how my mind is working.” Many seekers ask me this question.

It is impressive to know you are observing your mind. The mind is nothing but thoughts and thoughts repeat themselves. Ask yourself, ‘Why are my thoughts repeated’? Then you will see, it is because you have not digested the experiences of life. If you eat an apple and don’t digest the apple, the undigested apple creates stomach disorders. Similarly, if experiences are not digested they repeats themselves.

What does it mean, to digest experiences in life?

We have to learn from our experiences how to get a positive meaning from the experience. Then, even through failures, we become richer.

Walt Disney failed many times, but learned the right lessons and hence failure was not frustrating for him. Rather, it was fertilizer for his creativity.

Also, one has to learn the art of ending one’s past and not constantly fret and fume over it.

“I went through a divorce and that pains me,” someone said. I said, “Learn to end that incident in your mind instead of carrying it.” You are carrying the burden of yesterday. And hence you are not alert to the present and not sensitive to the present.

The dissatisfaction of the past is polluting the present. Teach your mind to leave the past, let go of the past. Learn from past failures. Let it teach you the right lessons.

Before you proceed to an educational site web, have you thought what education really is?  What is education? An ignorant person may not be an unlearned man. A learned man may be stupid for he knows only from books and not from his experiences. Education helps in understanding through self-observation. Our present system of education helps us to get employed and earn money. True education helps us to understand our conflict, the stupid ways of our mind, to end our hurt, and thus learn to optimise life and not be a victim to life’s situations.

True education enables you to not be a doormat in your office. Learn to be creative. Learn to grow in your life. Watch your mind deceiving you and then the mind will learn to be creative. Education is just not for giving you livelihood but giving you the art of living wholly and joyously.

Some asked me, ‘I am a victim in office when someone disagrees with me. How do I overcome it?’ Learn to connect to people despite differences so that you don’t get trapped in differences. If you can still bond with the person you disagree with, then you are mature. Then you are bigger than the differences. Such a person will be effective, and he is truly an educated person.

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