
Unidentified 13ft-long sea monster with horns washes up on beach in Spain and has marine biologists stumped

  • Spanish marine biologists mystified by thecreature that was spotted dead in the shallows by a woman on the beach at Villaricos

With its horns, long white body and slithery form, it looks like a mythical beast

But this four-metre long horned creature is only too real – as the stench from its decomposing flesh proved.

The mysterious sea creature was washed ashore in Villaricos, Spain – and tests are being done on the carcass to determine what it is.

An unfortunate swimmer stumbled across the head before coming across the rest of the body, the Huffington Post reported.

Civil Protection Coordinator Maria Sanchez said: ‘We have no idea what it can be, but it smelled bad, because it was so badly decomposed’, Digital Spy reported.
She added: ‘A lady found one part, and we helped her retrieve the rest… We have no idea what it was. It really stank, as it was in the advanced stages of decomposition,’ Inquisitr reported.

The extent of the deterioration of the creature meant most of the remains had to be buried for safety reasons.
Several theories have been suggested about what the creature is – ranging from it being a type of shark to it being an oar fish, but researchers are still examining it.
Programa en Defensa de la Fauna Marina (PROMAR) spokesman Paco Toledano was also puzzled, Yahoo reported.
He said: ‘It’s hard to know what we’re dealing with,’ Mr Toldano told ideal.es.


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