
What is Kundalini Yoga?


We, as human beings, as versions of the Universe experiencing itself, are always dwelling between our hearts and our minds; our divine and our human side, our body and our soul. The understanding of the fact that the divine rests within ourselves is crucial to our own happiness. In order to excel and to evolve beyond our primal needs, we need to search for solutions to remove this imbalance between our human and our divine side.

It has come to my understanding that the most effective solutions to our unhappiness are meditation and, of course, yoga. Should you practice yoga and meditation, you will find more peace, and you will get in touch with your inner self, your love and compassion. Those who already practice it, know what I am talking about. Now, most of us already know what meditation consists of – it is available to us at all times, as long as we can find a comfortable place and position so that we can empty our minds.

But the other concept, of Yoga, seems to create some controversy – probably because it implies a different way of physically training your body, ways that confuse some people.

Yoga is and has been an ancient practice, and it stand for union, for joining, merging our human spirit with our divine spirit – through Yoga, you are able to experience a new level of consciousness, which may, and will lead to improvement in how you feel about yourself and the rest of the world. Through Yoga, you can cure yourself from imbalance, and become a bundle of harmony and joy. There are several types of Yoga from which you can choose, but always consult a specialist, otherwise you may find yourself saying that Yoga is not for you, simply because you have practiced it inappropriately.

What is Kundalini yoga?

As I said before, understanding that we have an immensely untapped amount of divine energy is crucial to our spiritual development. It is said that we have several centers of energy within ourselves, each capable of bringing different knowledge and feelings. They are called Chakras, and we have seven of them.

I want to concentrate and bring attention to the Chakra located at the base of our spine – the Muladhara Chakra. At the base of our spine is where the Kundalini energy resides. Kundalini energy it is of outmost importance, because it stands for awareness, and once awake, this energy optimizes your nervous systems and your glands, and brings about enlightenment.

The Kundalini is represented as a coil, or a snake, which will rise with the practice of Kundalini Yoga, and will pass through and activate our other energy centers – Svadhishthana, Manipuraka, Anahata, Visuddha, Ajna, until reaching the last one, Sahasrara – that is the point where full enlightenment happens.

Assiduously and correctly practicing Kundalini Yoga will make you see things which you may not have thought possible. It will make you easily express your inner most being, you will be who you ARE, you will understand your identity and you will express the version of your real self to the world.

It captures your essence and makes you aware of it, thus making you manifest yourself as a celebration of the Universe, which you are, which I am, and which we all are.

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