
Author archives: drvani

Is smartphone the reason behind failed relationships?

London: A new study reveals how overuse of smartphones, especially, during midnight hours can destroy intimacy in relationships, leading to break-ups, cheating and divorce in modern days. The study pointed that as the quality of our physical connections gets diluted, people expect less and forget what real romance is. For the study, researchers from the Oxford University in Britain studied 24,000 married European couples and they found a direct link […]

Are you suffering from memory loss?

  Memory loss is worrying young Indians, but experts say you need to know when to fret. You meet a former colleague at a party, and can’t for the life of you place him. We’ve all encountered the embarrassment. But what if you forget to perform a daily task or can’t recall a route you frequently take? “The brain is programmed to filter out data and retain information that’s important. […]

15 astounding facts about the human body

You are more amazing than you know! Nature has produced many wondrous things but few are more amazing than the human body. From your hard-working heart to your incredible brain, here are 15 facts to surprise you. Hard-working heart The heart is the hardest working muscle in the body. Every day, it creates enough energy to drive a lorry over 30 kilometres. Over a lifetime, that’s equivalent to driving to […]

How to lower cholesterol naturally

  The causes of high level of cholesterol can be varied in nature. It can be due to foods consumed by an individual. It can also be due to the excessive hard drinks that a person consumes. It is not a disease, but it can really cause many other diseases. Thus one having high level of cholesterol needs to be very careful regarding his/her health. Here are a few natural […]

Drinking too much coffee can radically reduce a man’s ability to father children, a study has found.

Men who drank two or more cups of strong coffee a day had just a one in five chance of becoming fathers through IVF. However, for those who drank less than a cup, the chance of having a child rose to nearly 52%. The researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, told a conference in Hawaii that caffeine may harm sperm at a molecular level. A shot of espresso contains around […]

6 Myths You Believe About Yoga

The popularity of yoga has witnessed a continuous rise over the last decade. More and more westerners are seen joining Yoga practice groups, or are downloading information available on the Internet for practicing yoga at home. The flip side of the story is that all kinds of myths and misconceptions are spreading about yoga. While some of the myths, if taken to be true, could prove to be quite harmful […]


Don't Tell Your Son That "Boys Don't Cry," Tell Him This Instead

Ladke nahi rote hain!” All too often, parents trot this hoary old chestnut, throwing the words “Are you a girl?” or “Don’t behave like a girl” and “Boys don’t cry!” at every sobbing male baby, child or young adult. Only the ‘weaker sex’ can cry, not boys and definitely not men, implies this desi admonition used by parents, grandparents, siblings and teachers to tell boys they are meant to be […]

The goodness of ajwain (Carom seeds)

Ajwain or carom seeds is a common herb found easily in any Indian house. The Ajwain plant is also known as bishop’s weed and belongs to the Apiaceae family. There are a plethora of health benefits of eating ajwain. Though it has a pungent smell and a bitter taste, it is used widely in Indian households for its medicinal properties and also for culinary purpose. Here are a few health […]

The wonder that is tomato juice

While tomatoes are known for their several health benefits, did you know that tomato juice is equally healthy? Packed with a host of minerals and vitamins, tomato juice contains Vitamin A, K, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6. And that wasn’t reason enough for you to drink tomato juice, read this — it also comprises minerals such as iron, magnesium as well as phosphorous. Not only are these vitamins and […]

Taming Our Monkey Mind

Our mind, on average, has over 50,000 thoughts in a day – even while busy with a certain task, it is forever racing ahead with numerous other thoughts – of potential rewards, missed opportunities, future actions and so on. Besides, for many of us, a large proportion of these thoughts have a negative slant – thoughts like, “I wish I were healthier; I dislike myself for being so socially awkward; […]