
Monthly archives: October 2020

Power Analyzer and Power Quality Analyzer Global Market Forecast & Analysis 2019 - 2029

10-Year Market Forecast: Report Description This report presents the ElectroniCast forecast of the use of Power Analyzers and Power Quality Analyzers. The report provides the review (analysis) of 2019 and a 10-year (2019-2029) forecast of the worldwide market consumption of Power Analyzers and Power Quality Analyzers, segmented as follows: • POWER ANALYZERS o BENCH TOP  BENCH TOP (LARGE / HEAVY)  BENCH TOP (PORTABLE / LIGHT) o PORTABLE (HANDHELD) […]

LEDs Used in Night Vision Imaging Systems Compatible Lighting (NVIS) U.S.A. Military – Market Forecast 2019-2026

This is the ElectroniCast forecast of global market consumption of packaged light emitting diodes (LEDs), used in Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) compatible lighting, by the US Military – worldwide. A night vision device (NVD) comprises of an Infrared (IR) image intensifier tube in a rigid casing, commonly used by US military forces. Infrared light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 0.7 and 300 micrometers, which equates to a […]

Explosion Proof LED Lighting Global Market Forecast 2019-2029

This is the ElectroniCast analysis and forecast of global market consumption of LED-based luminaires (light fixture with lamp/light source) used in explosion-proof lighting. This market forecast of the American, European/Middle Eastern and African (EMEA), and Asia Pacific (APAC) regional consumption is presented for selected LED-based lamps in selected applications, which require explosion-proof lighting solutions. For the purposes of this study, ElectroniCast defines explosion-proof lighting luminaires, which are certified in accordance […]

Film and Video Professional Production LED Lighting Global Market Forecast & Analysis 2018-2028

10-Year Market Forecast This is the ElectroniCast global review and forecast of the use of light emitting diode (LED) professional production lighting in television/broadcast, motion pictures and videography. Regions The market data are segmented into the following geographic regions, plus a Global summary; separate data-sheets are provided for the U.S.A. and Rest of the American region: • America o United States of America o Rest of America • EMEA (Europe, […]

Recent Research on Global Aircraft Drive Shaft 2020-2025 | By Type, Application, By trends, & key Players

The Aircraft Drive Shaft market includes market revenues and sales, new technical and commercial developments, past and future growth trends, price trends, raw materials, market penetration potential, Technical details,, legislative structure, global and regional market volumes, past growth rates for industry sectors and Key suppliers. The size of the Aircraft Drive Shaft market was derived by forecasting techniques based on per capita consumption, population trends, per capita income trends, legislative structure, and trade […]

LED Flashlight USA Market Forecast and Analysis

This market forecast report, which is available immediately, is part of a consultant service from ElectroniCast Consultants to our clients. This 2018-2028 market estimate and forecast is presented for our extensive study of the worldwide use of LED-based flashlights, which are used in the United States of America. The market data is segmented by rechargeable- versus standard-types. Several end-user application groups are covered in market forecast; finally, the forecast for […]

Handheld OTDR Global Market Forecast and Analysis 2018-2028

10-Year Market Forecast Optical Fiber Testing – An optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) is an optoelectronic instrument used to characterize an optical fiber. The optical-time domain reflectometer is considered at the core of fiber optic characterization. This report provides our estimates and forecast of global consumption of hand-held OTDR fiber optic test units, associated supplemental (add-on) modules, and Multi-Test Platforms, which are initially used with OTDR add-on modules. This report provides […]

Global Human Centric Lighting Market, By Forecast, By type,By Application 2018-2028

Lighting, is the next development stage in the evolution of lighting and luminaire design; this report provides estimates and forecasts, based on market research study work performed by ElectroniCast Consultants. Human Centric Lighting (HCL) is aimed to mimic (closely imitate) the natural color of daylight, which stimulates the production of melatonin and serotonin which control the physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle, responding primarily to […]

ClamorWorld Exclusive: Trump to win and get re-elected to White House

Jai Jinendra|Om Gurave Namah|Om Gajapataye Namah|Sri Matre Namah|Jai Sri Krsna| Using Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa Birth Details: Donald Trump, 14-Jun-1946, 10:54AM, Jamaica New York, USA Planetary Position, Longitude, Nakshatra, Pada, Rashi, Navamsa: Rasi Chart Analysis D1 (Main Chart): Lagna rises in Leo 6 Deg 52 mins, with 4th and 9th lord Yogakaraka Mars in Lagna at 3 deg 41 mins, being close to the lagna degree has a huge influence on […]