
Basic Hygiene Tips From Doctors To Reduce The Risk Of Infections


From the time we were little, we would have heard of many tips from elders, teachers, friends and acquaintances about personal hygiene and its impact on our health.

But sad is the case when because of our everyday pressures on our work front we have failed to pay heed to those valuable pieces of advice and have ended up with various health issues!

In this modern world where disease-causing germs and pollution are most prevalent, it’s time we wake up to the ways in keeping ourselves healthy by following these golden rules, laid down by experts in the field of medicine, which I have tried to list out.

Come on readers let us try to enlighten ourselves once again with these valuable basic hygiene tips and try to shield ourselves from the innumerable disease-causing agents surrounding us.

As the National Doctors Day is just around, Dr H Paramesh, Bangalore based well known Pediatric Pulmonologist and Chairman, Lakeside Centre For Health Promotion stresses on a few of the golden rules to prevent infections. Have a look.

Golden Rule 1# Avoid Eating Foods That Are Kept In The Open:

How many times have we seen flies and other insects hovering around the eatables which are uncovered? Doctors suggest that this is the easiest way where cross contamination occurs when the disease-causing bacteria is transferred from these pests to the food.
Why not take a simple initiative of covering our food and keeping the rodents and pests away!

Golden Rule 2# Cover Your Mouth While Coughing:

How annoying is it to see some people coughing without covering their mouths? This is another easy way for the germs to spread! Doctors suggest these simple tips while coughing or sneezing:

It is always best to cover your mouth with a tissue when you uncontrollably cough or sneeze.

Immediately after usage putting the used tissue in the nearby waste bin is advisable.

While one cannot lay hands on a tissue, it is always best to cover the mouth with the upper sleeve and avoid the hands while coughing.

Try washing hands immediately after a bout of coughing.

These cough etiquettes when followed go a long way in putting a big full stop to the spread of diseases.

Golden Rule 3# Avoid Sharing Personal Items:

It is best when your personal things remain personal and are not shared even with the closest of acquaintances, no matter how mean and selfish you stand in their eyes. Some of the most deadly diseases get transferred from one person to the other when this one golden rule is not followed.

For example, a strict no-no to share your lip gloss with even the thickest of your friends is always advisable as many of the human body parts, especially lips are germ carriers, some harmless and some relatively very harmful. Imagine what happens when you put a used lip gloss over your lips. An easy way to fall sick, isn’t it?

Golden Rule 4# Eating Home Cooked Food:

How many times have your mouths watered, when we see the roadside vendors luring you to sell their food? This might seem an easy way to pacify our senses but in the long run, the implications of our action will surely lead us to a state we might completely abhor.

So, why not opt for the clean home cooked food instead of the ready-made meals available in the market to lead a healthy lifestyle and be free from the various intestinal disorders? Give it a second thought before you eat any food from the roadside!

Also practicing safe sanitation and sex, minimizing usage of chemicals and drinking potable water, are a few of the many golden rules suggested by experts from the medical field to remain safe from the terrible ill effects of germ transmission.

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