
Tags archives: art-of-living

Forget leaked nude photos and take a look at ancient Indian erotica instead

From time to time, there will be moments that will make you wonder about the idea of “modernity”. Going through Dr Prakash Kothari’s Erotica: The Art of Loving in your work place may be one of them. Back in the 19th century, it seems the aristocrats of northern India were coolly playing board games using marble pawns that were carved to resemble pert-nippled breasts and glans. And here in the […]

Clamorworld Exclusive - Yoga In European Parliament

It is the stuff that history is made of. For the first time ever members from every political parties across the European Union united to come together as the Art Of Living Guru addressed the European Parliament on the Yoga Way.  An issue that has been trending on twitter the whole day and created quite a stir in the international arena, it was a rare experience. Greeted by a standing […]