
Tags archives: sitting

Here's how sitting harms your body

Here’s what really happens to your body after sitting through a sit-com marathon. 1) ON YOUR SPINE The problem: Sitting for long hours curve your spine into a C-shape, and keeping it that way for too long can cause cramped and aching muscles. The solution: Consider a recliner or tucking a pillow behind your chair. It’ll keep your back straight and comfortable, and help you maintain proper posture. 2) ON […]

Sitting for long hours ups heart attack risk

  New York: Caught into a sitting job? It’s time to make some lifestyle changes for your heart’s health as sitting for too long everyday can increase the risk of an heart attack, as per a recent study. According to the study, exercise may not entirely counteract the negative effects of a mostly sedentary lifestyle on coronary artery calcium. ”Reducing how much you sit every day may represent a more […]