
Monthly archives: June 2014

The mummies of the monastery: Church puts on display monks preserved with their robes and rosaries for hundreds of years

The unusual crypt is in Brno, Czech Republic Only two dozen of the nearly 200 original mummies remain after being buried centuries ago Monks and churchgoers are buried side by side in the crypt A monastery in the Czech Republic has a ghoulish secret for those willing to venture underground – two dozen corpses clutching rosaries are on display. The bodies in the Capuchin Crypt of the Holy Cross Church, […]

Fasting for three days renews entire immune system, protects cancer patients, ‘remarkable’ new study finds

Fasting for three days can regenerate the entire immune system, even in the elderly, scientists have found in a breakthrough described as “remarkable.” Although fasting diets have been criticized by nutritionists, research suggests that starving the body kick-starts stem cells into producing more white blood cells, which fight off infection. Scientists at the University of Southern California (USC) say the discovery could be particularly beneficial for those suffering from damaged […]

Sleep's memory role discovered

The mechanism by which a good night’s sleep improves learning and memory has been discovered by scientists. The team in China and the US used advanced microscopy to witness new connections between brain cells – synapses – forming during sleep. Their study, published in the journal Science, showed even intense training could not make up for lost sleep. Experts said it was an elegant and significant study, which uncovered the […]

Forget 'practice makes perfect' - meditation is the key to success, study claims

•They have shown that people who rise to the top have ‘highly-integrated’ brains finely-tuned for creativity•Advice contradicts widely-held belief that practice eventually makes perfect•Some experts have even put a number on it, saying that 10,000 hours of hard graft make the difference between being good enough and world class Practice doesn’t make perfect – but meditation might. Researchers say that however hard some people try, they won’t excel at their […]

This Insane Infinity Pool Is Exactly Where You Want To Be All Summer Long (Photos)

Where do you plan on hanging out this summer? A rooftop? In your bedroom with your air conditioner on overtime? How about lying poolside next to this insane infinity pool?! It’s located at the Mirage House on Minos, a Greek island. The pool is just a little feature that comes with the 2,131 square-foot house, which was designed by Kois Associated Architects. Underneath the pool, there is a lounge area […]

7 Things You Realize You’ve Taken For Granted When You Come Home After Traveling

Going abroad is a magical experience. Whether it’s for two weeks or five years, the time you spend away from home is important and will not only change you, but everything you once thought, knew and believed. You can’t live in another world without starting to reevaluate your own. Those who have never traveled, never stepped outside their own town, city or country have yet to develop the keen awareness […]

Human stem cells successfully transplanted, grown in pigs

A new line of genetically modified pigs will host transplanted cells without the risk of rejection, opening the door for future stem cell therapy research. One of the biggest challenges for medical researchers studying the effectiveness of stem cell therapies is that transplants or grafts of cells are often rejected by the hosts. One of the biggest challenges for medical researchers studying the effectiveness of stem cell therapies is that […]

8 Amazing Spices and Their Medicinal Benefits

They say that an apple a day helps keep the doctor away, but in reality, herbs and spices contain more powerful disease fighting properties, vitamins, and nutrients than most fruits and vegetables. By simply spicing up your dishes, you could be adding years to your life, and warding off illnesses like the cancer, high blood pressure, and even the common cold. Moreover, spices taste great and they may prevent you […]

How insects could feed the food industry of tomorrow

Would you eat meat fed on maggots? Raising pigs, chickens and fish on insect larvae could change the way we farm animals, says Nic Fleming Millions of maggots squirm over blackened pieces of fruit and bloody lumps of fetid flesh. A pungent stench of festering decay hovers over giant vats of writhing, feasting larvae. It’s more than enough to put most people off their lunch. Yet these juvenile flies could […]

Pollution link to irregular heartbeat and lung clotting

Air pollution is linked to increased risk of developing an irregular heartbeat and blood clots in the lung, research suggests. The impact of air pollution on the risk of heart attack and stroke is less clear, say UK experts. Analysis of data from England and Wales shows air pollution is particularly harmful in the elderly. Further research is needed on pollution and cardiovascular health, says the British Heart Foundation. A […]