
Monthly archives: June 2014

10 Super Foods to Help Boost Your Memory and Concentration

It’s not only a sign of old age and dementia that we start forgetting things. It can happen to a person of any age, background, or health condition. There are children who, at times, have difficulty concentrating. On the other hand, there are people who forget some things on a daily basis, like their keys, wallet, cell phone, appointments, and many other things. Well, we believe that everything and everyone […]

BlackBerry Ltd smartphones: Just how secure are they, really?

 Touted as one of the most secure ways to communicate, BlackBerry smartphones have been put in the spotlight after several police investigations said they were able to track criminals who used the device’s encrypted technology. The latest case was revealed Thursday after Quebec police and RCMP officers said that more than one million instant messages sent through BlackBerrys helped gather evidence on two alleged organized crime groups. This isn’t the […]

Top 5 investments for your money

Investments on the following domains are increasing and can be rewarding after a period of time. If you choose to call on a specialist, he will help in all processes to step through before completing the investment. For managing investments, you have to open accounts, transfer accounts and assets, buy and sell investments in each account and more.  Other several procedures are also necessary for an investment in a big […]

10 out of 10 for ingenuity at least: The incredible lengths Chinese students will go to cheat at high-pressure exams that will decide their whole lives

Chinese authorities have exposed some of the 007-style gadgets that students have been caught using to try and cheat their way through tough university entrance exams. Security staff in Jinlin, Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces have revealed students are using sophisticated radio vests in order to receive help from someone outside the hall. Pupils take pictures of the tests using a button-hole camera hidden in a pen or watch, then use […]

Exclusive Interview with Indo European Psychologist Vidya Rajbhoj

Sunil Mantri: Could you tell us about Psychology is?  Vidya Rajbhoj: A psychologist evaluates, diagnoses, treats, and studies behavior and mental processes. Some psychologists, such as clinical and counseling psychologists, provide mental health care, and some psychologists, such as social or organizational psychologists conduct research and provide consultation services. I am a Chartered Counseling Psychologist, practicing in London and Bedfordshire in UK. My work involves diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders with […]

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Greek Mythology

The stories of Greek mythology have formed the basis for how we think of our ancient forefathers. We’ve heard the stories of Theseus and the Minotaur and how Pandora opened a box and cursed humanity with the evils of the world. We know Aphrodite as the goddess of love and we know Pegasus is the winged horse. That’s just scraping the surface of Greek mythology, and oftentimes, it’s a much […]

'This will help the nation': Prime Minister professes 'pride' as he dedicates India's largest aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya

Amid heavy rainfall and lashing winds on Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated the Indian Navy’s costliest and most potent acquisition, aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, to the service of the nation.  By choosing to come on-board the INS Vikramaditya in his first trip outside Delhi after taking the oath of office, Modi sent a message to sailors present on the ship and the world that was watching that military matters […]

Namibia's 'fairy circles': Nature's greatest mystery?

From the air, the Namibian desert looks like it has a bad case of chicken pox. Spread across 1,100 miles of a narrow strip sit a smattering of barren polka dots, otherwise known as fairy circles. These sizable craters measure 10- to 65-feet in diameter, and represent one of nature’s greatest mysteries. Over the decades, a number of theories, from alien invasion to poisonous gasses have been put forth to […]

5 Good Reasons Why You Should Wait Until You’re 30 To Get Married

I’m not entirely convinced there is a reason to ever get married. But if you’re going to take the plunge, do it when you’re past your 20s. Very few marriages between two 20-somethings succeed for good reason. Sure, you may be an outlier, but why take the risk? I’m convinced that the majority – or nearly the majority – of failed marriages would have been successful if the once-happy couple […]

Unfit? You're more likely to have memory problems

Risk of developing learning and memory problems is ‘significantly greater’ But people who are even only moderately fit perform better on mental tests The next time you puff up a flight of stairs, bear in mind it’s not just your heart and lungs that are struggling. Scientists have found that people in poor physical health are also more likely to suffer from memory problems. U.S. researchers found the the risk […]