Monthly archives: April 2016
April 20, 2016
And they said the Western was dead. But if anything can bring a genre back to life, it’s a killer cast. It happened with True Grit. It happened with Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight. And after seeing the first trailer for The Magnificent Seven, we think it’ll happen again. Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawke — the names burst out like a round of bullets from a gatling gun. […]
April 20, 2016
Despite cranking his car’s air conditioner to full-blast, Sandeep Sarma struggles not to sweat each morning as he creeps along the 21 miles of traffic-clogged road to his office in the Indian city of Bangalore. And lately, as record-breaking temperatures blanket the country, Sarma has noticed something else: Even through the glass of his car window, the summer sun leaves his right arm burnt and red. Compared to the 130 […]
April 20, 2016
As published on Hello everybody, my name is Alwyn Lewis. I was the room mate of Sudesh Shetty. Sudesh is 32 yrs old from India and had come to Toronto as a student . He was studying Culinary skills at Humber college. I am the manager of Udupi Palace and I have known Sudesh for 5 yrs. He has been a parttime worker at the Ritz carlton and Udupi […]
April 20, 2016
Using ‘location aware’ smartphone apps and voluntarily sharing personal information online leads to diminished privacy of the users, a new study has warned. The study argues that “dynamic visibility,” in which technological surveillance is combined with personal information volunteered by individuals online, has led to diminished overall privacy. “Technology is not only used top-down but also bottom-up, with individuals using their own technological devices to share and enhance their visibility […]
April 20, 2016
Sunil Mantri(SM): What convinced you to join Clamorworld Sumana Sarkar(SS): Answer- You can call me an idealist but the big reason that I wanted to join Clamorworld was the concept of free unbiased news which has become a near impossibility in most organised media houses. The Clamorworld management promised and maintained their promise of a free unbiased news platform and I am pleased to be associated with them. […]
April 20, 2016
The polling in West Bengal has reached a mid-point. Only two more phases are left and there is hectic analysis and assumption about which party will come to power. Most exit polls seem to indicate that perhaps the ruling Trinamool Party might continue in the government for the second term. But the question would Mamta Raaj be the best solution for West Bengal? While the talks of her failing to […]
April 20, 2016
Republican front-runner Donald Trump easily won New York state’s presidential nominating contest on Tuesday, moving closer to capturing enough delegates to win the nomination and avoid a contested convention in July. The New York City billionaire’s big victory in his home state gave him renewed momentum in the Republican race and pushed him closer to the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination. Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton also […]
April 19, 2016
Today, depression is a very common emotional state of mind. It is an extremely complex disease. No one knows exactly what causes it, but it can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, when people are depressed, they eat and drink to help themselves feel better. Here is a recipe of an anti-depressant turmeric juice if you or a loved one is suffering from depression. Please follow and like us:
April 18, 2016
Somalia’s government said on Monday about 200 or more Somalis may have drowned in the Mediterranean Sea while trying to cross illegally to Europe, many of them teenagers, when the boat they were on capsized after leaving the Egyptian shore. Italian President Sergio Mattarella had said earlier on Monday that several hundred people appeared to have died in a new tragedy in the Mediterranean, after unconfirmed reports spoke of up […]
April 18, 2016
Indian filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma is back with yet another crime-based thriller. The film is based on the real life of India’s most infamous sandalwood smuggler and it is also the Hindi remake of Kannada film ‘Killing Veerappan’. “It took 10 years to kill Osama Bin Laden and 20 years to kill Veerappan. No villain like Veerappan ever existed,” it says. The much awaited film features Sandeep Bhardwaj, Sachiin J […]