74 Europe Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) Market 2022-2032 by Vehicle Type (Remotely Operated, Autonomous), Vehicle Size (Small, Medium, Large, Extra-large), Component (Chassis, Payload, Imaging, Sensors), Propulsion (Diesel/Gasoline, Hybrid, Electric), Hull Type (Twin, Single, Triple, Rigid Inflatable), Endurance (<100 h, 100-500 h, 500-1000 h, >1000 h), Speed (<10 Knots, 10-30 Knots, >30 Knots), Application (Defense & Security, Commercial, Scientific Research), and Country: Trend Forecast and Growth Opportunity
Europe unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) market was valued at $354.5 million in 2022 and will grow by 11.0% annually over 2022-2032, driven by the rising demand for ocean exploitation and oil & gas production, environmental monitoring and surveillance, responding to changing climate threats, increasing regional tensions and military applications of USVs. Highlighted with 40 tables and 70 figures, this 139-page report “Europe Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) Market 2022-2032 by Vehicle […]