
Out of Office: Breathe and Remember Travel Is a Privilege


I travel around the world, and often have long flights, close connections, and multiple stops in a week. Over time, I’ve developed a few rules that help me perform at a higher level despite a grueling schedule.

1.Never check baggage. There are extremely efficient ways to pack a rolla board and one smaller bag. I go for weeks with just two bags. Less is more.

2.Sleeping on the plane is your job. A few tips can help you sleep. One, on cross-country U.S. or trans-Atlantic flights, is not to eat on the flight. Start adjusting to the time of your destination right away, and go to sleep. Another is to use earplugs or noise reduction headphones. A great deal of the tiredness from traveling is related to the noise level that you have to endure while flying.

3.Drink lots of water, and avoid alcohol. Staying hydrated is critical.

4.Traveling often is frustrating and it can trigger irritable behavior. Counteract those annoyances by building your mindfulness. Breathing deeply and being upbeat and positive no matter the situation is a workout for the mind and the spirit. Just as in physical exercise, you have to work at it: no pain, no gain. Remind yourself of the opportunity you have to travel, a luxury enjoyed by only a small minority of people in the world.

5.No matter how busy your schedule, learn something new, inspiring and uplifting about the place you’re going to visit. Every culture has great strengths. Find and embrace them.

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Source: https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140804225508-32702694-out-of-office-breathe-and-remember-travel-is-a-privilege?trk=li_fb_cont_jimkim_ooo&_mSplash=1

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