
Author archives: Amanda

Side Effects Of Microwave Oven

A microwave oven usually called as a microwave, is an electrical appliance to heat the cold food items through dielectric heating that is caused by electromagnetic waves produced by microwave. It is used commonly to reheat the previously cooked foods and also used to cook vegetables that are cooked fast and easy. It uses less energy than a stove to reheat the food. Appliance Hunter can help you choose the […]

World Breastfeeding Week: Five great reasons to breastfeed your baby!

Nothing can compare to the nutrients found in mothers’ breast milk for a newborn. While the benefits of breastfeeding are immense for the baby beginning at birth and continuing throughout his/her life, it also has many advantages over mothers’ health. Below are five great reasons why breastfeeding is good for both the mom and the toddler. Nutrients: Breast milk is the best food for your baby. The vitamins and nutrients […]

5 Inevitable Phases Every Entrepreneur Goes Through

Trying your hand at being an entrepreneur is very admirable, and dare I say, crazy. The rewards are priceless and the falls are devastating. You put so much of yourself into a single idea and you over-extend to make sure the idea succeeds. Because you’ve put on your blinders to focus on “making it,” you may not even take stock of the things that happen to you on your entrepreneurial […]

8 top secrets to a Healthy Brain

The ability to enjoy and perceive life is all related to brain Function. Brain Fog, Memory Loss and Emotional Instability all have one thing in common –Neuro-degeneration. Neuro-degeneration occurs when the neurons, the brain cells that transmit information, die due to lack of activation, stimulation or proper nutrients.  The following are some simple steps mentioned in Swiftwater’s website, that you can take to provide your brain with its basic nutrients, while keeping […]

The world's tallest bride: 6ft 8in Brazilian teenager to marry her 5ft 4in boyfriend

Elisany suffers from gigantism from a tumour on her pituitary gland Couple have been together three years and have lived together for a year Elisany still draws stares but Francinaldo says he is proud to show her off  The pair want a long engagement but are already planning the wedding Although only 18, she hopes to conceive soon due to fears over her fertility  Brazil’s loftiest teen is set to […]


Israeli soldier becomes overnight hero for pointing loaded gun at Palestinian youths

Israeli soldier David Adamov has become an overnight hero in Israel. Why? Because he cocked his assault rifle at unarmed Palestinian youths in Hebron. Adamov’s actions were caught on camera and posted to YouTube by the activist group Youth Against Settlements. In the video, Adamov is seen talking trash to a Palestinian teen in Hebron, a city in the occupied West Bank, as several onlookers watch with cameras in hand. […]

This 122 Year Old Woman Has The Most Important Secret To A Life Of Longevity

The primary determinant of health for the average person is thought. Not genetics, not exercise or nutrition, but the mind. This has been shown over and over again by the scientific fields of psychoneuroimmunology, psychoneurocardiology, psychoneuroendocrinology, not to mention cancer research and all the various psychosomatic disorders that have been studied. If you doubt that thought affects health then I will be happy to have a truckload of research evidence […]

Natural Constipation Remedies You Should Know

Constipation is one of the most common and easily noticeable signs that something is not right with the stomach, intestines, or general digestive system. Constipation is not a disease or illness as such, though it can be a symptom of other digestive tract disorders or infections. It is however something that occurs in people of all ages – but more common in elderly people. Here are the best 10 methods […]

The 20 Catch-22s Of Being In Your 20s

Life is full of contradictions, oxymorons and ironies. As we get older, decisions become harder and consequences become greater. Nothing comes without a price and everything forces you to make a small sacrifice. Unfortunately (and fortunately) for our generation, we now know the ramifications of the things we do, unlike the generations before. If you choose to smoke cigarettes, you are enjoying yourself now, but harming yourself later. If we […]

Nigeria: Why the abduction of 100 school girls isn't shocking

 The heavily armed militants stormed the girl’s dormitory in the middle of the night, herding more than 100 students on to vehicles and burning down nearby buildings as they made their escape. That was a week ago Monday. Of the 129 students abducted from the Government Girls Secondary School from the Nigerian town of Chibok, 77 are still missing. No one knows where they are. And surprising still, no one’s […]