
Author archives: dhiru

10 reasons why smoking is the biggest enemy of your looks

Smokers are generally at a higher risk of developing various diseases and if that wasn’t enough, smoking can kill your looks too. We have compiled ten reasons why you should absolutely quite smoking for better looks. When the damage is visible, you tend to be more careful about your bad habits. If cigarette could cause a visible bump on your face, you would definitely quit smoking today. Let’s list down […]

What are the odds of a U.S. strike against Syria? 15 key questions answered

When President Barack Obama said this weekend that bombing Syrian targets is the right thing to do, and then asked Congress to approve it, the international crisis took a turn toward a fierce domestic battle. There are so many moving parts to this complicated story that it can become quite difficult to keep up. Let this Q&A bring you up to speed on the dizzying developments. Is the U.S. going […]


The grandest entrance: World's largest solar-powered boat powers beneath Tower Bridge as it arrives in Britain in spectacular style

The MS Turanor PlanetSolar cruised into London yesterday to dock at Canary Wharf London is last port of call in environmental expedition across the Gulf stream The eco-friendly vessel has a lightweight carbon structure and 512 square metres of photovoltaic cells Launched in Florida, its DeepWater expedition has collected data along the Gulf Stream to help scientists get a better idea of climate change The world’s largest solar boat has […]

Pope bows for Muslim Queen Rania of Jordan in latest display of breaking with tradition

Bowed to the royal following private audience with her and her husband It runs counter to centuries of Catholic tradition Comes after he posed for a selfie with teenage pilgrims in St Peter’s Basilica Pope Francis is already closing in on three million Twitter followers The Pope has once again shown his willingness to break with tradition by bowing to Muslim royal Queen Rania of Jordan. As leader of the […]

DOCUMERICA: Images of America in Crisis in the 1970s

As the 1960s came to an end, the rapid development of the American postwar decades began to take a noticeable toll on the environment, and the public called for action. In November 1971, the newly created Environmental Protection Agency announced a massive photo documentary project, called DOCUMERICA, to record the adverse effects of modern life on the environment. More than 100 photographers were hired not only to document specific issues, […]

Remarkable pictures of the abandoned house in the woods adopted by wild animals as their own

Amateur photographer captured the woodland creatures in their not-so-natural habitat Kai Fagerström stumbled upon the house in the woods in Suomusjärvi, Finland Mr Fagerström is pleased ‘nature is reclaiming the places it has lent to people’ When an amateur photographer ventured into the woods the last thing he expected to discover was a houseful of neighbours he had never met. But that’s exactly what happened when Kai Fagerström from Salo, […]

Student, 19, mauled by 400lb tiger in Thailand at popular tourist attraction

Isabelle Brennan was knocked to the ground and attacked at the Tiger Temple sanctuary Sister and friend dragged her to safety Left with four inch wound and is scarred for life She still struggles to walk unaided eight weeks on Enjoying the trip of a lifetime to Thailand, university student Isabelle Brennan strokes a young tiger at a popular tourist attraction – one of the few places in the world […]


 Deeply impressed by outstanding political leadership: Country unbelievably peaceful, dynamic and beautiful: Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Jung Hong-won said that he was deeply impressed by the outstanding leadership and vision of political leaders such as President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Prime Minister D.M.Jayaratne. “I have full confidence that Sri Lanka will have a bright future with such prominent leadership and diligent people,” he told the Daily News in […]


'We now know Brits cannot be counted on': White House snub as US and France prepare to strike Syria as early as TOMORROW over chemical attack that killed 1,429

Team of chemical weapons experts left war-torn countryfor Lebanon U.S has ‘high confidence’ that Assad launched chemical weapons attack Britain left sidelined after David Cameron’s humiliating Commons defeat Sources say White House ‘now know the Brits cannot be counted on’ France could now join U.S in missile strikes against Syria U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry lavished praise on ‘oldest ally’ France America says 1,429 people were killed in chemical […]

Sleeping beauties: Photographer captures heartwarming pictures of newborn babies who have just entered the world

Alicia Gould takes portraits of babies as young as three days old The 32-year-old says she enjoys the ‘simplicity’ of newborn photography For many new parents, the sight of their newborn peacefully asleep is one to behold – a moment to savour and a short respite from constant rounds of feeds and nappy changing. Dispelling the myth that sleep is an alien concept to newborns, New Jersey photographer Alicia Gould […]