
Author archives: drvani

Vegetarian Foods That Can Increase Your Sexual Stamina

Being a vegetarian has a number of health benefits, and here is one more reason for you to switch to vegetarianism. Yes, eating some vegetarian foods can enhance your sexual stamina for both men and women. Banana Bananas contain vitamin B which is good for increasing the stamina and in de-stressing. They have very high level of potassium which is used to create sex hormones and increase the desire for […]

Want a good night’s sleep? Try simple tricks

Stick to a sleep schedule of the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the weekends. This helps to regulate your body’s clock and could help you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night. Listen to bedtime stories, millennial style: Remember those good old days when you enjoyed listening to grandma’s bedtime stories?  Listen to stories or audio books as you tuck in and let your brain relax […]

Gain Weight In a Healthy Way

  Today, more than 1.9 billion people are overweight worldwide. Many can’t imagine that there are actually people who would like to gain weight but can’t. Putting on a few pounds is a real challenge for some people. Especially if they want to do it in a healthy way. Would you like to gain weight and build muscle mass? Don’t just stuff your face with fast food, but bulk up […]

Review: Available Light, New and Selected Poems by CP Surendran

Review: Available Light, New and Selected Poems by CP Surendran Some poets scoot into the limelight; why or how is a mystery. Others hardly get an entry pass into the glow. What is it that attracts this beam of light — profile, a stint at Oxbridge, editorial contacts or sartorial panache? The limelight is not always a discerning critic. CP Surendran, despite a first-rate novel Hadal (which never got near a […]

No condom ads between 6 am and 10 pm, says I&B ministry

No condom ads between 6 am and 10 pm, says I&B ministry The government on Monday issued an advisory asking TV channels not to air condom advertisements which could be “indecent and inappropriate for viewing by children” during the daytime. The government said its decision was based on rules stating that no advertisements which “endanger the safety of children or create in them any interest in unhealthy practices” should be […]

Benefits of Carrot Juice

Benefits of Carrot Juice A good juice is a Source of vitamins. Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A, phytochemicals, vitamin C and fiber. A cup of carrot juice provides about 100 calories and can also contain heart healthy soluble fiber. There are many benefits to having a diet rich in different colored fruits and vegetables, and the deep color orange from carrots has many health benefits. Carrot juice […]

Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers

Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers Mouth ulcers are quite common and irritating. These painful, open sores are white in color, surrounded by an inflamed red border. More often than not, they appear on the inside of the cheeks, lips, under the tongue, and on the floor of the mouth. Interestingly, it has been found that women (more than men), adolescents, and those with a family history of mouth ulcers are […]

Best Natural Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis

Best Natural Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease. Treatment relies on a combination of conventional medicine and lifestyle changes. Medications can treat pain, but there can be side effects when you take these long-term. Home remedies, lifestyle changes, and natural remedies can help manage OA pain with fewer side effects. Home remedies aren’t meant to replace your current treatment. But they may provide more relief for […]

15 Amazing Guava Benefits: Heart Healthy, Weight Loss Friendly and More

15 Amazing Guava Benefits: Heart Healthy, Weight Loss Friendly and More Winter has set in and tis’ the season for some delicious guavas. Here are 15 amazing guava benefits you need to know.Besides its unique flavour and fragrance, guava has been hailed as one of the super fruits due to the numerous health benefits it offers. It indeed is a powerhouse of nutrients. “This humble fruit is extraordinarily rich in […]

Are eggs vegetarian or non-vegetarian? Scientists finally put an end to the debate

Are eggs vegetarian or non-vegetarian? Scientists finally put an end to the debate Scientists have finally given an answer to the long-standing question of whether eggs are vegetarian or non-vegetarian, which might put an end to the debate once and for all. Well, the answer according to scientists is that eggs are very much vegetarian. Many people have reasoned that eggs are non-vegetarian since they come from a hen – […]