
Author archives: drvani

From mapping diseases to finding new drugs: How 2017 chemistry Nobel winners' work could change medicine

A trio of Swiss, American and British scientists won the 2017 Nobel chemistry prize on Wednesday for developing cryo-electron microscopy, allowing researchers to see biological molecules frozen in action. The work by Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson makes it possible to image proteins and other molecules after freezing them rapidly to preserve their shape, providing a powerful new tool for medical research. “It’s like frames in a movie. […]

Do you work in night shifts? Know the dangers of disrupting your body clock

Different professions across the globe require people to work odd, sometimes bizarre shifts. Various studies have shown and we’re sure you have felt it too, that these shifts, especially the night shift, often tend to cause an imbalance within your system and lead to health issues. Even though some may feel comfortable with nights shifts, your health is ultimately bearing the brunt of the changes in your body-clock and lifestyle. […]

Concussions affect women differently than men, says study

A recent study has found that concussions affect men and women differently. Researchers at Rutgers School of Health Professions – with the assistance of Rutgers Athletics – are working on two studies investigating these answers to better prevent concussions and improve recovery time. The first study, ‘Neurocognitive Function in Varsity Athletes,’ which assesses male and female Rutgers University-Newark varsity athletes pre and post-season as well as post-concussion – is among […]

Fenugreek Water Benefits: 5 Reasons to Drink This Up Every Morning

Ayurveda is a goldmine of health benefiting ingredients. Many of them can also be used in myriad ways to arrive at potions and concoctions to tackle some of the severest of ailments. The potency of herb-infused waters is unquestionable. Herbs and ingredients like cumin seeds and carom seeds have long been put to use by soaking these overnight and consuming the water the first in the morning. The humble methi […]

12 Amazing Healing Benefits of Drinking Water in a Copper Vessel

Water is the most essential element to sustain life on this planet. 70 per cent of human body is made up of water. You may have not known this but in ancient times, our ancestors and even our grandmothers followed the practice of storing water in containers made of copper. Their aim was probably to safeguard drinking water but there’s more to the story. In today’s modern world where we […]

19 Home Remedies for Cold, Back Pain, Nausea and Other Common Ailments

If you ever have a conversation with your grand mother, she’ll tell you that back in the day they mostly relied on natural home remedies to treat almost every ailment. A lot may have changed now, but granny’s treasure trove of home remedies is still as effective as it used to be. Time to go back to your roots and rediscover all the gems on your kitchen shelf that have […]

Bet You Didn't Know About These Health Benefits Of Popcorn

Heading for a movie? The first thing that pops in your mind is to grab a large-sized bucket of buttery popcorn that you can enjoy throughout the movie. But a whole lot of unhealthy add-ons like butter and cheese have given this snack a bad rep. Heads up! Those little light-weight kernels can give you whole lot of health benefits. But they go unrecognized most of the time. As compared […]

Let’s talk prostate

Do you feel the need to urinate constantly? Do you feel that your bladder is not completely empty? You are not alone in your suffering. Seventy per cent of men between 50 and 65 years of age start experiencing these problems. This is because the prostrate, which is a part of the male reproductive system, gets enlarged after 50 years of age. As the prostrate grows in size, it tightens […]

This Japanese Water Therapy is the Key to Losing Weight and Staying Healthy!

Water is an essential part of our lives and it is one of the basic elements required for human survival. It is often advised that one must drink at least eight to ten glasses of water every day to flush out all the toxins and to help it to function properly. Some nutritionists also advise that is great to start you day with a glass of warm water, lime and […]

CAT 2017: Registration to close tomorrow, apply at iimcat.ac.in

The Common Admission Test (CAT 2017) will be conducted by IIM Lucknow on November 26. The registration for CAT 2017 was started from August 9 onwards and tomorrow, that is September 20 is the last date to submit the application form. Candidates need to fill the form by 5 pm. CAT 2017 will be held in 140 test cities for aspirants seeking admission in prestigious Indian Institutes of Management (IIM), […]