
Author archives: drvani


Watch: An educative film on 'Breast Cancer Awareness'

New Delhi: Breast cancer is one of the most dreaded disease across the world, and unfortunately not many are aware about it. Filmmaker Sujoy Ghosh recently took to Twitter and shared the link of a short film made by Zoya Parvin and shot by Deepak Thomas. The film beautifully creates awareness about the big ‘C’. Watch the film here, and pass on the message to spread awareness. Please follow and […]

Know the wonders of neem!

Neem is a herb and is very good for health. It is easily available to us throughout the year and has been an integral part of the Ayurveda heritage. Its juice is equally good for various health reasons. Though many are aware that its good for health, they do not know what benefits it gives to our body. Here are some health benefits of neem leaves which we all should […]

Sex: The secret to good health!

Sex for most people simply stands for a night of passion, pleasure and of course, love. It’s energizing, invigorating, satisfying and everything that makes you happy. However, do you also think of your health while indulging in the act? Apart from the fact that sex is considered a good workout, it also has positive effects on overall health. Yes. Sexual expression has many positive physical, intellectual, emotional, psychological, and social […]

Depression Hurts, Your Bones Included

Growing evidence suggests that depression, one of the most common diseases of the brain, is so powerful it can actually erode bones in the body. Our bones are constantly remodeling themselves – they build themselves up and break themselves down over and over again. Depression is like a severe and prolonged state of stress on bones that may weaken them, making osteoporosis more likely. Depression causes blood pressure and heart […]

EGO – The Scripture of a Devil

The foolishness of modern man is in that an average man always thinks he is above average. The perception of ‘easy and difficult’ is the result of one’s state of being. Swatting a fly is ‘difficult’ for some, while killing thousands is ‘easy’ for terrorists. Dropping the ego is easy when we realise that we are less than a dot in this vast cosmos. It is foolish to live with […]

Know how sunflower seeds can benefit your health!

Have you ever wondered that seeds from sunflower could be beneficial for our body? While this may sound weird to some of us but the truth is sunflowers seeds are considered good for health because of its nutritional value. Here are some health benefits of the seeds which we all must know: Helps digestion: The seeds help in digestion because of its high dietary fiber content. It also helps you […]

Visit this valley of flowers just hours away from Mumbai

Once the monsoon casts its spell on the Sahyadris, the entire region puts on a brilliant show for anyone who has the time to stand and stare. Teeming and bustling with life, it is home to everything from lush rainforests and waterfalls to an incredible diversity of flora and fauna. But hidden in the heart of the Western Ghats is a picturesque plateau that blooms into a riot of colour […]

Viral fever: Know the symptoms of it!

Viral fever is one of the most common illnesses usually characterised by an increase in body temperature, headaches and body aches. It also refers to a wide range of viral infections, which are very common during seasonal changes. It is caused by different kinds of viruses, of which the influenza-virus is well known. The symptoms of viral fever are so common that we neglect them at their initial stages. But, […]

10 Success Principles We Often Forget

A quick reminder Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions. Sometimes we find ourselves running in place, struggling to get ahead simply because we forget to address some of the basic success principles that govern our potential to make progress. So here’s a quick reminder: You are the only person responsible for your success. The best part of your life will start on the day you […]

Breast Cancer Awareness: Seven common myths busted!

Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of the dreaded disease. Although awareness of the risks related to breast cancer is on the rise, there are various myths that people carry around. While there are certain risk factors like genetics that cannot be changed, many lifestyle changes can aid in breast cancer prevention. However, being misinformed can obstruct you from recognizing the signs and minimizing the risk of […]