
Author archives: drvani

Diabetes mythbuster

  MYTH 1: Diabetes is not a serious disease FACT: “Diabetes causes more deaths a year than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Two out of three people with diabetes die from heart disease or stroke,” informs Dr Jayshree Todkar, obesity and diabetes centre, Kohinoor Hospital MYTH 2: Diabetes is purely a hereditary disease FACT: This is untrue. “It is largely a function of how much and the quality of food […]


Is there life after death?

Thousands have claimed to have had Near Dear Experience (NDE), but scientists think it’s impossible. Dr Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon by profession, never thought that he would be one of them until it happened to him one day. A man of science Dr Alexander, who has been practicing neurosurgeon for 35 years, didn’t believe in this and thought it to be just hallucination and a figment of his imagination. However, […]

How your emotions affect your body organs

First thing first, remember that just because we don’t have the technology to envisage the mind-body connection doesn’t mean it’s not real. You may find it hard to believe but every feeling you have influences some part of your body, and anxiety can wreak mayhem on your physical health. So if you want to have more control over your physical health and well being, then take more control over your […]

Summer tips: How to prevent heatstroke during hot weather!

Summer has arrived and it’s time for you to take extra precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion. These conditions are common in all age groups during summers. Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition that needs to be treated immediately. Any delay could result in fatal. Heatstroke occurs when body temperature is too high due to excessive heat exposure. In other words, it is a […]

Forget Selfie, This 'Elphie' will Floor You

VANCOUVER: If you were left stunned by a black macaque’s selfie last year that became a tug of war between Wikipedia and the photographer about who owned the selfie, this awesome “elphie” is going to floor you completely. Now trending on social media, the elephant selfie or “elphie” has taken users by storm. The “elphie” is courtesy Christian LeBlanc, a former student from University of British Columbia, who is now […]

Drop the pressure: Ways to control hypertension

Whether you are a student or a working professional, the pressure to excel in a competitive environment, and regularly meet deadlines can often leave you tense and drained out. Among the many side-effects of this kind of stress is the chance of developing hypertension. According to a survey conducted last year, by the US Department of Health & Human Services, about 33% urban and 25% rural Indians are hypertensive. The […]

21 Facts About Recycling That Should Get You To Start Thinking About The Environment

If you haven’t woken up to notice already, the Earth isn’t doing too well. Extreme temperatures are being experienced across the planet, and we are directly responsible for it. If we are to save our coming generations from the deadly wrath of nature, we need to start acting, now! Recycling is one such method to give back to nature. Here are 21 facts on recycling with jaw-dropping images of global […]

All you need to know about Hepatitis C

Chronic Hepatitis C is a serious disease that can result in long-term health problems. Approximately 60,000 people die every year from Hepatitis C related liver disease. 1. What is Hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is a contagious liver disease that ranges in severity from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a serious, lifelong illness that attacks the liver. It results from infection with the Hepatitis C virus (HCV), which […]

Learn how your 7 chakras are influencing your life!

  There is more to us than just the physical body. Our body is an energetic system through which the universal life force flows. Our seven chakras are a part of this energetic system – they connect us with the larger part of ourselves, the universe, and at the same time they hold the secrets to a healthy, prosperous and gratifying life. Read on to know more… Tapping the energy […]

Make the right choice

  Can you afford to be careless in choosing a college that almost decides your career? Here are some pointers. “Had I known earlier I would/wouldn’t have…,” is the first part of many statements that frustrated students utter after choosing a college which doesn’t suit their tastes, needs or requirements. Here are some of the familiar statements we have heard: “Had I known earlier, I wouldn’t have joined this college.” […]