
Author archives: drvani


Floaters: So What Are Those Moving Amoeba Things In Your Eyes, Anyway?

We have all seen them, I know I myself have shrugged those pesky little light floaters down to dust. But, they are nothing that you would have ever thought of. They were more prevalent to me when I was a child; I was always outside looking up at the sky. I like most children tried to play with the amoeba-like floaters, move them around make them do what I wanted […]


Watch what you're eating - Junk food is real junk!

Yes that’s the need of the hour. Guys, listen to your gut and we mean literally! It’s really crazy but the truth is that that junk food which you might be about to eat is even worse than the junk in your dustbin. Don’t believe us? Watch the following videos, and suit yourself! Junk or processed food is not as safe as you think. We’d advise you to better seat […]

Benefits of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha root is known as “Indian Ginseng”. In Ayurvedic medicine it is considered an adaptogen that facilitates learning and memory. In a 1993 clinical study in India, fifty people complaining of lethargy and fatigue for 2 to 6 months were given an adaptogenic tonic made up of eleven herbs, including 760 mg of ashwagandha, once a day. How it Helps? The populace had not responded to a vitamin and mineral […]

5 Secret Essentials To Having A Confident Mindset

  Being confident takes effort. It is a state of mind that fluctuates as we react to our circumstances, mood, physical health, and a whole host of unknown subconscious factors. My life’s work is about understanding how to maintain this powerful mindset. Based on the theory that true ‘happiness’ is really about feeling self-confident, I have devised all sorts of ways to build and maintain high self-worth. Here’s a few […]

Top 20 health secrets of green peas

What are Green Peas? The term ”pea” originates from the Latin word “pisum“. Pea plant is botanically an herbaceous annual vine, belonging to the Fabaceae family and commonly referred to as english peas, sweet peas, garden peas, pease, etc. Peas are one of the few members of the legume family that are cooked fresh rather than dried unlike other legumes like including lentils, chickpeas, and beans. Starchy, and sweet, green […]


20 Things You Can Do Today That Will Improve The Quality Of Your Life

Have you felt a little stuck in a rut? Sometimes, we tend to get so caught up in the mundane parts of life that we forget what we were put on Earth to do: live a really, really awesome life. Here are 20 things you can do right now that will improve your quality of life. 1. Treat yourself to a meal out Been craving sushi all week? Go for […]

11 Natural Remedies that are backed by Science

The health and well-being industry is full of “shysters” and scam artists who feed on people’s desire to be fit, healthy, and to look good. It’s a shame, but true, so it is up to us to do our best to sift through the information and determine fact from fiction. What many of these bogus companies do is to pick up on one or two ingredients, and then to include […]

Winter Special: Fight Off Cough, Ulcers & Constipation With this Desi Superfood

  (Indian Gooseberry) or ‘amalaki’ is a translucent fruit with many therapeutic benefits. It’s considered to be one of the most important plants in Ayurvedic medicine and is a unique balance of sour, sweet, pungent and bitter. It’s rich in Vitamin C and also loaded with a range of polyphenols (gallic acid, ellagic acid, luteolin, corilagin etc). Polyphenols are antioxidants that prevent damage to free radicals in the body and […]

Final stamp on US academics teaching in India likely during Obama's visit

International academicians could be paid as high as USD 12,000 for a 20-day teaching session in institutes here under a government sponsored-programme to help students across the streams get exposure to the best of faculties from abroad. They would teach in centrally-funded educational bodies like IITs and central universities and in institutes with ‘A’ grade, the details of which are being finalised before US President Barack Obama’s visit to India. […]


Watch Six Pit Bulls Wait Patiently While A Little Girl Gets Their Dinner

A lot of people are quick to believe the vicious reputation that pit bulls have been assigned, but it’s entirely unfair to the sweet pooches who wouldn’t hurt a fly. These six hungry pits prove that there’s way more to the breed than meets the eye. Watch as they patiently wait as their little chef pours out their food and cautions them to “stay, stay…” until it’s finally time to […]