
Author archives: drvani

5 Causes & 5 Treatments – Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is characterized by distressing symptoms of abdominal pain, gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. It is believed as much as 20% of the American population suffers from IBS. These individuals will suffer for years and have few options to help provide relief outside of taking ineffective pharmaceutical drugs. This only cover up the symptoms without identifying the true underlying cause of […]

Late-night snacks may damage memory

Late-night meals may interfere with your memory, a new study has warned. The study in mice found that eating during times of day when one would normally be sleeping impaired the animals’ memory for objects they had seen, even when the rats got the same amount of sleep as mice on a normal eating and sleeping schedule. Study co-author Christopher Colwell, of the University of California, Los Angeles, and a […]

What Can I Do To Stop Snoring ?

Snoring is a fairly common disorder which affects 40% of men and 25% of women. Not all snoring is created equal, everyone snores for different reasons. Some maybe as serious as sleep apnea and some might be simple as a bad sleeping position. Once you understand the issues behind your snoring, it will be easy to resolve them. Remedies to dodge snoring: Clear nasal passages as a stuffy nose makes […]


'Grass eaters have gone, we are beef eaters like you, we are going to show you'

Paris of the East of yore — Karachi, commercial capital of Pakistan –, was primarily a Hindu controlled city prior to the 1947 Partition Holocaust. The city roads were not only swept but was washed each morning by the municipality, my parents, now deceased, used to tell me. Arts and culture flourished in the peaceful city. My late mom fondly remembered a great Hindu dancer Vishnu Jagdesh. She was a […]

5 yoga poses to control your metabolism

There is a lot of confusion about metabolism — should it be fast or slow, and which is better? This columnist is also guilty of having used the concept of “speeding” up or making metabolism fast through certain dietary or yogic intervention. But the real trick — and which is buried under this confusion — is to really make the metabolism efficient. If it is too slow, to make it […]

The Bhagwad Gita Is Not A ‘Book’

The Bhagwad Gita is not a book. It is a mahamantra on how a human can become superhuman by merging with Supreme Consciousness. The Gita is guideline for working on yourself silently, to deprogramme acquired knowledge. It is for realisation of the science of cell that carries universal consciousness in the body — how each cell relates to other cells of the body with its own intelligence for constantly eliminating […]

Do you throw eggshells? When you see this, you’ll never do it!

You already know that Calcium has many important functions in the body work. Apart from creating bone mass and prevent osteoporosis., calcium puts the function of nerves and muscles in the normalization, also regulates the heartbeat, to blood clotting and encourages sleep. It is also important for the work of immune cells, as well as for healthy skin and hair. There are many factors that draw calcium from the body, […]

What Is Natural Alternative For Emergency Contraceptive Pill?

The emergency contraceptive pill is considered as a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex, contraceptive failure or an unwanted pregnancy. Though not widely reported but side effects of these pills can be long lasting and put at risk your chances of conceiving later. Much before the advent of the pill and other contraceptives, ancient medicine used herbs and other foods as potent contraceptives. Though not many […]

You Have About 5 to 30 Pounds Of Poison In Your Colon! Here is Your Solution

People do not give much thought to the functioning of the colon. The colon, however, is a vital part of a healthy, functioning body. The colon also known as the large intestine removes water, salt, and some nutrients forming stool. A colon that is not functioning correctly will hold onto waste longer than is good for your body. An unhealthy colon does not move along the waste efficiently at all. […]

Bad luck: Men with poor semen have poorer health, too

Could semen point to a man’s overall health? A new study finds that men with faulty semen also were far more likely to have a range of health problems, from heart disease to skin irritations. The finding, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, suggests that men who have fertility problems should have a broader check-up as well. It’s not clear if some lifestyle or environmental factor might be hurting […]