
Author archives: prems


Simple Home Remedies To Relieve Acid Reflux Naturally

The Digestion Process: Ingested food passes down the oesophagus (food pipe) into the stomach. Stomach cells produce mucus which protects the stomach lining from damage from digestive acids and chemicals, produced by the stomach itself. The oesophagus cell linings are more delicate and have little protection from acid. A sphincter (a ring of muscule that contracts to close an opening) called lower esophageal sphincter (LES), is present at the junction […]

Al-Qaeda plans final jihad for India: Intel report points to terror recruitment drive targeting nation's Muslims

Al-Qaeda is at the  gates, and there are enough jihadis within already. Intelligence  agencies say the terror network is making inroads into India, sowing the seeds  of a “final war” across the country. Information  gathered on al-Qaeda’s India plans points to a mobilisation of its resources for  jihad. The ideological  goal of the group, as detailed in the report, is chilling: Ghazwa-e-Hind, or the  final battle in India. Ghazwa-e-Hind refers […]

Drones Take Incredible Aerial Photographs Of The World, Something Humans Just Can’t Do.(images)

Finding new ways to view the world around you is a blessing. Too often we take this planet for granted. It’s a massive, beautiful place. To really appreciate something, sometimes all you need is a change of perspective. That’s what Dronestagram offers. On this unique photography website, people use their drones to take incredible aerial photographs of the world around them. In the past, it’d be impossible for the average […]

Causes and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis: Ayurveda and modern perspective

There are many diseases explained in Ayurveda, the causes and symptoms of which match exactly with the current day diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis is one such example. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease mainly affecting joints. Most of the causes and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis explained match with a disease explained in Ayurveda books. What is rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease, affecting mainly joints having a covering, called synovial […]

15 Things To Start Doing For Yourself

 We can begin doing right now that will make our lives more joyous and peace filled. Start Spending Time With The “Right” People – Spend time with people you enjoy -who bring you up instead of push you down. Sure there are always lessons we can learn from others but you don’t need to continue hanging around with and associating with people who you know bring in an offsetting vibe. Learn […]

6 Top Remedies for Hair Growth

Hair is important for our looks. Why else would anyone spend so much of time, efforts and money to find that most suitable hairstyle for one’s face? Your hair gives you a distinct personality. So if you are worried about hair loss that you have noticed recently, there is nothing unnatural here. Even if you are losing only the normal amount of hair but want to have thicker hair, you […]

Love at first sight is REAL

University of Chicago researchers say direction of gaze can indicate feelings They found that where a person looked at another determined ‘love or lust’ Students were asked to view photographs of strangers in the study For people they felt romantic love for they were likely to look in their eyes But when they just felt lust they were more likely to look at other body parts A study by University […]

Modi's nervous body language makes his speech at BRICS summit uninspiring

Narendra Modi is clearly not the man when he speaks to Indian audiences and when he speaks to foreign ones in English. His BRICS summit speech simply failed to impress due to a flawed body language. It was somewhat disconcerting to watch Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s lacklustre performance in the first speech he gave to an international audience during the recent BRICS summit. While one can understand his nervousness on […]

1/3rd of world's extreme poor in India; highest under-5 deaths

One third of the extreme poor global population reside in India which has also recorded the highest number of under-five deaths in the world, the latest UN Millennium Development Goals report has said. Minority Affairs Minister Najma Heptulla, who released the report here, said its findings present a challenge to the government under Narendra Modi and that they would be able to surmount it. “Good days will come,” she said. […]

Pineapple Juice Is 5 Times More Effective Than Cough Syrup

Pineapple Juice Is 5 Times More Effective Than Cough Syrup Pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties. It fights infections and kills bacteria. The juice from fresh pineapples can suppress coughs five times more effectively than cough syrup. One cup of pineapple juice contains nearly 50% of the daily requirement for vitamin C intake. This helpful nutrient works to implement the use of vital enzymes within the body that […]