
Author archives: sumana sarkar

Benefits Of Yoga In Our Daily Life

Ahead of the World Yoga Day on June 21, on Clamorworld we have taken up the initiative to bring in a week of Yoga Awareness. In this series we will talk about the many facets of Yoga, its benefits, the reason why it is more of a way of living rather than a simple weight loss regime. The core purpose of our initiative is to break the many myths around […]

Inflation On The Rise: Is There A Reason To Be Worried?

The inflation rate in May was a 21-month high of 5.76% and significantly above the market consensus. Inflation which had more or less been reined in the past few months again started rearing its ugly head for the past couple of months. Economists and expert will tell you that this high inflation rate is mostly due to higher prices of food grains and fuel. The double digit spike up in […]

Clamorworld Exclusive: Modi’s US Congress Speech, Reiterating A Modern Perspective

If you are an Indian sitting in any corner of the globe and watching Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech last evening, I am sure it was an extremely proud moment for you. Whatever you name it, a PR exercise, a reiteration of bonhomie between two of the largest democracies in the world or even the new avatar that the world has come to view India in, you cannot deny the […]

Clamorworld Exclusive: Monsoon Hits Kerala, Is A Solution To India’s Water Crisis In Sight?

One of the most cheering news this morning was undoubtedly the fact that Monsoons have hit the Kerala coast and well before the June 9 deadline got past. In a country that is reeling under the impact of two below normal monsoon seasons and which is nearly 70% dependent on monsoons for its water supply, this is the type of news that calls for celebration all round. The parched agricultural […]

Prime Minister Modi’s US Visit Next Week: What’s On Agenda?

This is perhaps one of the most anticipated foreign visits by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in recent times. Modiji will be visiting United States next week on US President Barack Obama’s invitation and speculation has been rife about the agenda, the fall out and the overall agenda of this visit. Be it the opposition or political experts many theories are doing the rounds of the potential outcome of […]

Clamorworld Exclusive: Krishi Kalyan Cess From Today,Burden For Middle Class Increases

It’s June first and yet another cess gets introduced to the service tax that you pay almost anywhere. After the Swachch Bharat Cess, the Environment Cess, there is now the Krishi Kalyan Cess that comes into action today and is set to increase the overall service tax to 15% for the average Indian who is already overburdened by a myriad of other taxes. While the thought behind generating the Krishi […]

Clamorworld Exclusive: How Reliable Is The CSE Report On Carcinogenic Content In Bread?

If bread forms a staple at your breakfast table or if you are heavily invested in stocks like Britannia or Jubilant Foodworks, it was a rather traumatic Tuesday for you. For most common news savvy citizens glued to the TV screen making those shocking revelations, it was literally a bolt from the blue. But is all that scare justified. My first question about the report released by CSE is the […]

Why The Monsoon Is The Most Important Factor Impacting Growth This Year?

For most of us who woke up to the blink and you will miss showers this morning, it was the most exhilarating feeling this morning. Yes most parts of the nation is absolutely parched and is desperate for rains in whatever form they can receive it. Infact a below normal monsoon this year could severely impact growth and other economic indicators in a nation that has already been witnessing drought […]

Clamorworld Exclusive: Mamta’s Win A Boon Or A Bane For Bengal?

Just as I started penning down my thoughts on Verdict16, I could not help but go through the gamut of opinion floating across social media. From a no Congress reign across states to Jayalalitha emerging as the strongest leader in Tamil Nadu there is lot to ponder about. But one comment kind of got me hooked.  It was from West Bengal’s Chief Minister who had a clean sweep in the […]

Clamorworld Exclusive: 2 Years Of Modi Government, Common Man Takes Centrestage

Whether you are a Modi bhakt or Modi hater, it goes without saying that it is hard to ignore the two years of Modi Government. I will not go into the nitty gritty of complicated survey and sentiment of investors. But as a common citizen of this country I would say that these two years have highlighted many facets of my country that I never thought was possible. I get […]