
Category archives: Cause

Seven books published, but this Tamil writer still sells vadas to make ends meet

Poovalur Jayaraman’s story is one of constant struggle. As we enter his cramped one-room house, Poovalur Jayaraman, an 80-year-old writer, is sitting on an old chair. He smiles, despite all that life has put him through. At 4am every day, Jayaraman takes out his pushcart from Nehru Nagar on Kalapatti road in Coimbatore, selling vadas and bondas for a living. But unable to put in the long hours at his […]

India’s Only Man-Made Sanctuary – A Green Dream That Took 15 Years To Sprout!

Read how one man’s vision and perseverance led to the creation on India’s only man-made sanctuary. It took 15 years of convincing villagers and enlisting their participation, but the beautiful forest is now replete with fauna and flora. Although the man is no longer among us, his legacy still exists for all to see, appreciate and enjoy. Truly, a life well spent! When a journalist named D. M. Mohite visited […]


Shikha Makan’s film Bachelor Girls will resonate with women living alone in cities

You are from good families right?” “You will not get boys home? See you can have friends but not boyfriends” “No loud music or boys. And no parties” “You are single girls. We don’t want nuisance.” “You work late nights? So you will come home late?” “Why are you unmarried and living alone?” Why? What? When? Where? Who? How? Women in India don’t have to be journalists to know about […]

Sushma Swaraj pulls of another miracle; Sadly the media has no time to highlight it!

Indian media has once again proved their shameless nature by completely blacking out this story! General VK Singh and Sushma Swaraj have once again proven their brilliance. As many as 1,100 retrenched Indians are expected to return to India in the coming weeks with Saudi government issuing exit visas to the Saad group workers, according to External Affairs Ministry. Minister of State V K Singh, who is currently in Saudi […]

There’s just one disease that Tamil Nadu’s Dalit doctors cannot cure – casteism

Ponnusamy* is the first doctor from Tamil Nadu’s Pudukottai village. Returning to practice there after he obtained his degree, he learned that there was one disease he could not cure: Casteism, which afflicted both his patients and his colleagues in the medical community. Some of the earliest memories that Ponnusamy has, are of Dalits in his village being treated like slaves. “We were not allowed to wear shirts and slippers. […]

Clamorworld Exclusive: Where Religion And Lack Of Political Courage Discriminates Against Children?

In a landmark judgement of sorts the Supreme Court of India upheld the directive of the Bombay High Court and banned those below 18 years age from participating in the human pyramids formed during Dahi Handi. The Apex Court concerned about the safety of the young Govindas has capped the maximum height of these pyramids to 20 feet. Per se when you look at this judgement you would say this […]

Youngster prevents food wastage, feeds hungry labourers & children

After the day’s drudgery, Saroja gathers her children around her at an underconstruction site in Chamarajpet, Old Bengaluru area, to prepare dinner. It’s only 4.30pm, but such is their routine –early to bed and early to rise. As Saroja, a migrant labourer from Raichur, is about to get on with cooking, a visitor lands at the site. He has in his hand whatever they have been craving for–vegetable pulao, plain […]

An Incredible Story of a Family That Made a Forest, an Eco-Village and Lives Medicine-Free

Dr. Pravin Chordia believes that living a life closer to nature is the logical solution to all our modern-day woes. Drive down 45 kilometres southwest from the city of Pune and you will see a beautiful man-made forest in the Sahyadri range. But when Dr. Pravin Chordia bought this property in the year 2000, it was still barren land. The natural forest had been destroyed, despite Sahyadri being a region […]

Higher education has collapsed in India, we just don’t know it yet

The failure of Indian education system is stark when seen in light of the fact that thousands of students every year go abroad for college education. European universities and even the European governments seem to have a more definite plan for Indian students than India. A graduate degree in India is mostly a farce in most of the colleges. There is hardly any education imparted and it is seen as […]

The world should treat terrorism for what it is

For several years now, China has been content to let its trade with India grow while blocking forward movement on issues that really matter to New Delhi, ranging from terrorism to the place India perceives for itself on the world stage. Thus, we have seen in the past few months China blocking India’s bid to enter the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and putting a “technical hold” on New Delhi’s efforts to […]