
Category archives: Cause

Women’s Health Issues: Need To Nip It In The Bud!

I was very pleasantly surprised when at the beginning of this survey, nearly 50% of those who responded, wrote back on the need to increase awareness about women’s health issues. Surprise because I feel that is sure a step in the right direction. Nearly 11 years ago I remember, women’s health was an oft ignored issue and almost never spoken about. Women by the sheer nature of their positioning in […]

Woman’s Safety: Need To Do Away With Warped Perception

It is Vijaya Dashami today. Across India people would be burning Ravana’s effigies signifying the triumph of truth over evil. Somehow amidst these festivities I cannot help thinking that as human, what steps have we taken to demolish that demon within us. Almost every day the morning headline screams aloud about oppression that women undergo, brutal rape stories cover the news pages and eve-teasing has pretty much become the order […]

Need For Change: Tackling Pollution More Effectively!

Let me start with a big thank you to all our patrons and well wishers for their heartfelt support to our small Navratri Women Special Series. In keeping with the norm, we are highlighting issues on women, for women and by women. Today’s issue is perhaps not really women related but surely what every woman worries about. Yes I am talking about the scourge of Pollution. As the festival season […]

A Girl Gets Her Period And Is Banished To The Shed: #15Girls

Kamala B.K. is tiny. She’s barely 5 feet tall. A bright red ribbon sets off her dark hair. As she walks past our guesthouse in the village of Thankot, we try to get her to come over and talk to us. But the 14-year-old won’t come over to the porch. “Because she’s menstruating, she should not be entering another person’s house. It’s disrespectful,” says Cecile Shrestha of Wateraid. The nonprofit […]

Portrayal Of Women On Silverscreen: Need For Change

As Clamorworld continued with its survey trying to understand what women want to change, one primary topic that sprang up far too often was the way how women are projected in the endless soaps that constitute the core content of most general entertainment channels. Almost inevitably you have the high drama high glycerine women centric serials where either the women is an oppressed ‘beti’ or ‘bahu’ clad in designer wears, […]


Watch: An educative film on 'Breast Cancer Awareness'

New Delhi: Breast cancer is one of the most dreaded disease across the world, and unfortunately not many are aware about it. Filmmaker Sujoy Ghosh recently took to Twitter and shared the link of a short film made by Zoya Parvin and shot by Deepak Thomas. The film beautifully creates awareness about the big ‘C’. Watch the film here, and pass on the message to spread awareness. Please follow and […]

My Story: And He Said “Mummy Tabaele Mei Kaam Karti Hain, Papa Off Ho Gaye”

“That boy right there, his name is Nandu Vijay Pawar. I met him while going to Baroda. The train was to leave at 3:45 pm and he entered my coach at 3:40 pm with a school bag. He started asking people something, but many didn’t respond and others were busy stuffing their luggage beneath the seats. He came to my compartment and told me “Joothe polish karvalo” I said, “Mere […]

4-year-old Delhi girl brutally raped, fighting for life

A four-year-old girl is fighting for life at Delhi’s Safdarjung hospital after being brutally raped and left for dead — a horror that all too routinely brings back memories of the 2012 Delhi gang rape-murder. The child was found “unconscious, naked and bleeding” on the tracks close to her house in northwest Delhi’s Keshav Puram on Friday evening. Doctors at Safdarjung, where she was brought later that night on the […]

IAF Allows Combat Roles For Women Pilot

As the curtain closed on the 83rd Airforce Day Parade, it marked the dawn of a historic era in the records of the Indian Airforce. It has finally decided to allow them to become fighter pilots. This is a particularly striking decision when compared with the fact that both the Indian Army and Navy have ruled out potential induction of women in any form of combat roles. In the words […]

With Her Scholarship, She Built a Toilet. And a Village Was Changed

MADHYA PRADESH: In Madhya Pradesh’s Guradiya Varma village, about 120 kilometres from Bhopal, 21-year-old Anita Kaleshriya is an inspiration for many. Enthused by a workshop on cleanliness organised by a local group, she built a toilet in her house in May last year with money from her government scholarship fund. “During the workshop I made up my mind that we have to have a toilet at home now. I asked […]