
Category archives: Cause

Bill Gates just made an alarming point about what could 'kill 10 million people in the next 30 years'

Forbes hosted its fourth annual Summit on Philanthropy. Bill Gates was included on a panel discussing what went wrong with the global response to the Ebola epidemic and how to better prepare for future threats. One of his main points? “There’s no need to panic about the next Ebola epidemic,” he said. Despite all our missteps the last time, now we’re better prepared, with more awareness, better tools, and a […]


World Blood Donor Day: Save a life; give freely, give often!

  Safe blood supplies are still a scarce commodity especially in developing countries despite about 92 million yearly blood donations worldwide! That’s why it is imperative to understand the significance of blood donation. Keeping that in mind, World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) is observed each year globally on 14 June which is an annual celebration meant for expressing gratitude to the blood donors who save lives by donating blood. The […]

The Couple Who Bought Barren Land In 1991 And Transformed It Into A 300 Acre Wildlife Sanctuary

Pamela and Anil Malhotra bought 55 acres of land 23 years ago, and today they have converted it into a beautiful forest of over 300 acres. Here’s how SAI Sanctuary, the only private wildlife sanctuary in India, came to host animals like Bengal Tiger, Sambhar and Asian Elephants. Wouldn’t it be great to wake up to the sound of chirping birds, with fresh air and splendid scenery around? In the […]

Today is the day to go: Four siblings 'kill themselves after being abandoned by parents'

  Four siblings who killed themselves after they were abandoned by their parents left a note saying, ‘today is the day to go’, according to reports. The boy and three girls, aged between 5 and 13 were unable to be saved after they all drank poison, police say. The boy and three girls were hospitalised after taking the shocking incident in Bijie City in China’s southwestern province Guizhou on Tuesday. […]

Why Virgin is extending shared parental leave

  I’m very proud that Virgin Management has introduced a new initiative giving all employees in our London and Geneva offices a year’s full pay for shared parental leave. It was great to see the UK government introduce the new Shared Parental Leave legislation this year, but we wanted to take it a step further by giving all employees at Virgin Management with four years or more service, enhanced shared […]

Journalist is burned alive 'by police' in India after accusing a politician of raping a nursery worker and corruption

Jagendra Singh published articles on Facebook criticising local minister Said Ram Murti Verma was involved in rape and high level corruption The following day police raided his house and he was burned alive Officers claimed he committed suicide, but are now charged with murder Verma has also been charged along with police chief Sri Prakash Rai An Indian politician and five policemen have been charged with murder after a journalist […]

Rising porn addiction in Indian youth worrying: Experts

 While young adults across several Western countries are feeling the ill-effects of excessive online porn, the sudden spurt in online access has also put Indian teenagers at such risk, warn behavioural experts. According to sex and behavioural sciences experts, sex is one of those abiding mysteries to which teenagers seek an answer. Today it’s much easier to reach out for answers through the social media or the general web. But […]

The police video that shocked America

  A video of a black teenage girl being dragged to the ground by a white police officer is being widely shared online, and has become the latest talking point in the debate over police and race relations in America. “Sir, we just came for a birthday party – please sir,” says one teenager who’s been ordered to sit on the ground. The video, shot Friday evening in McKinney, Texas, […]

Hyderabad man to climb Mt Kilimanjaro to raise funds

Listening to activist Sunitha Krishnan narrate tales of exploitatation of victims of human trafficking back in 2012, triggered a lot of pain and anger in Hyderabadi VJ Nagender. Two years down the line, the 31-year-old is is now gearing up to scale Mount Kilimanjaro in a bid to not only raise money, but also awareness on this social issue. “After hearing Sunitha talk about children as young as four found […]

20 Ways to Save the Environment Every Day

  There is no denying that the environment around us is constantly changing. However, with a massive increase in the influx of disasters – natural and man-made, there is an urgent need to become more aware, attentive and conscious of the types of environmental problems our planet is facing and take measures to combat them immediately. Across the world, concern is mounting over an ever growing list of environmental problems. […]