
Category archives: Cause

How deadly is your butter chicken?

The next time you bite into a juicy drumstick, you might need to worry about whether it’s making you resistant to antibiotics. A new study by American researchers predicts that by 2030 Indians will be consuming 4,743 tonnes of chicken reared on strong doses of antibiotics. Published in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study states that the consumption stood at 2,066 tonnes in 2010. The […]

Earth Hour 2015: World ready to switch off lights for climate change

New Delhi: In order to show their growing concern over climate change, people across the globe are ready to observe the ninth edition of Earth Hour today by switching off their lights.   Electrical appliances will be switched off for one hour between 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm in order to raise awareness for the need of sustainable energy. Earth Hour is an annual campaign started by the WWF (World […]


Nestle Continues Stealing World’s Water During Drought

Nestlé is draining California aquifers, from Sacramento alone taking 80 million gallons annually. Nestlé then sells the people’s water back to them at great profit under many dozen brand names. The city of Sacramento is in the fourth year of a record drought – yet the Nestlé Corporation continues to bottle city water to sell back to the public at a big profit, local activists charge. The Nestlé Water Bottling […]


Every Drop Counts: Watch how water is life for families in Cambodia

  A story by Our Better World – telling stories of good to inspire action. Getting a drink of water is often not as simple as turning on a tap. For families in Kampong Speu, Cambodia, it’s a labour-intensive process that often results in diseases like diarrhoea and typhoid. With medical treatment often costing twice what most villagers earn in a month, the act of drinking water has become a […]

AP PHOTOS: Fresh water _ the world's most precious resource

  It courses through Bangkok’s bustling canals and the world’s mighty rivers. It is the lifeblood of the desert oasis as well as North America’s Great Lakes. We often take it for granted, but fresh water is one element we must always have nearby. Whether scarce or abundant, it quenches our thirst and provides us with food to survive. It offers a road where there are none, and a natural […]

Thousands of Snow Geese Fall Dead From Sky

Avian cholera is suspected in the deaths of at least 2,000 snow geese that fell dead from the sky in Idaho while migrating to nesting grounds on the northern coast of Alaska, wildlife managers said Monday. Dozens of Idaho Department of Fish and Game workers and volunteers at the weekend retrieved and incinerated carcasses of snow geese found near bodies of water and a wildlife management area in the eastern […]

Traffic Ramaswamy - one man in Chennai everyone needs to know about

  This man has lost count of how many PILs he has filed Murderers roam around freely instead they arrest me: Traffic Ramaswamy about his arrest to TNM “Somebody will say I have taken Rs 1,000 crore to grant bail. Don’t worry. I can take care of it. I am too thick-skinned for such allegations,” the Chief Justice of India H.L. Dattu said on December 8 when a petition accusing […]


This Video Exposes The Corrupt World We’re Living In. But We Can Change It!

  At this moment you can be anywhere, doing anything. Instead you sit alone before a screen. So what is stopping us from doing what we want, being where we wanna be? Each day we wake up in the same room, following the same path to live the same day as yesterday. Yet at one time, each day was a new adventure. Along the way something changed. Before, our days […]


Here's how Mumbai's street kids find hope, shelter and education

  “Living in Mumbai we are faced with poverty all around us. It’s an inescapable part of our reality. We have always felt a sense of helplessness towards it. We feel like we want to contribute, we want to help and do something about it but we don’t even know where to begin. So we, a group of engineering students, decided to take this matter up and search for some […]

Bengaluru Brothers Cycle Through Spain to Spread Awareness on Organ Donation

  When neurosurgeon Arjun Srivatsa suffered kidney failure, his younger brother Anil decided to step-in to help. It was not an easy decision, but Anil has no doubt that he did the right thing by donating his kidney to save his brother’s life. The two Bengaluru brothers are now on a cycling campaign in Spain to raise awareness about kidney donation and counter the resistance to this life-saving act. Speaking […]