
Category archives: Cause


Watch what you're eating - Junk food is real junk!

Yes that’s the need of the hour. Guys, listen to your gut and we mean literally! It’s really crazy but the truth is that that junk food which you might be about to eat is even worse than the junk in your dustbin. Don’t believe us? Watch the following videos, and suit yourself! Junk or processed food is not as safe as you think. We’d advise you to better seat […]

Sea Sparkle: Eerie Blue Glow Off Hong Kong Blamed on Pollution

Eerie fluorescent blue patches of water glimmering off Hong Kong’s seashore are magnificent, disturbing and potentially toxic, marine biologists say. The glow is an indicator of a harmful algal bloom created by something called Noctiluca scintillans, nicknamed sea sparkle. It looks like algae and can act like algae. But it’s not quite. It is a single-celled organism that technically can function as both animal and plant. These type of blooms […]

Silicon Valley's Youngest Entrepreneur Is Now A 13-Year-Old Indian, And He's Helping The Blind

Silicon Valley, it’s never too early to become an entrepreneur. Just ask 13-year-old Shubham Banerjee. comyanThe California eighth-grader has launched a company to develop low-cost machines to print Braille, the tactile writing system for the visually impaired. Tech giant Intel Corp recently invested in his startup, Braigo Labs. Shubham built a Braille printer with a Lego robotics kit as a school science fair project last year after he asked his […]


Swachh Bharat Is Not Just About Cleaning Streets It Is About Changing The Mindset Of People This Video Shows How It Is Done

India has been pure and clean. It is us the people who have made it dirty. By just cleaning the streets on superficial way wont help in cleaning the India. SwachhBharat campaign is not about just about cleaning our streets and surrounding, it is about changing the mindset of people in India. Please share and help in changing the mindset of people for cleaner and better India. Please follow and […]

Green-Energy Inspiration Off the Coast of Denmark

Before dawn one morning in October, a handful of Americans gathered at a lonely pier on Samso, a small Danish island about four hours from Copenhagen. Bundled in layers of fleece and wool, the Americans, mostly from islands off the Maine coast, had come to get a closer look at a wind farm — 10 mighty turbines spinning in the Kattegat strait — that has helped make Samso a symbol […]

How A Small DVD Case Killed This Beautiful Whale & Why It’s Directly Related To You

This past August, biologists from the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center Stranding Response Team were notified of an unusual sighting in the Elizabeth River, a busy, industrial tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. A 45-foot long female sei whale was spotted floating up river, far away from its normal habitat in the Atlantic. Aquarium research coordinator Susan Barco told National Geographic that the sighting was odd, and that the whale […]


This Ad Brought Tears On My Eyes – Very Heart Touching

An act of kindness can make someone’s day. For him, it lasts a lifetime. This story is about a man who wants to pay tribute to a stranger’s good deed that moved him decades ago in the most beautiful way. Can we do good deeds and create ripple ? Please follow and like us:


Last March, a missing 11-year-old girl was found in a South Carolina motel room when a motel clerk called police after seeing an Amber Alert on Facebook, according to the company and reports at the time. The Amber Alert warning system was started after the 1996 kidnapping and murder of 9-year-old Amber Hagerman in Arlington, Texas. Since then, more than 700 children have been found as a direct result of […]

Vanishing winged visitors

  This is the flamingo season. But, it looks the Pink Wall in the wetlands along the shores in Pulicat and Point Calimere, is thinning down. Two decades ago, there were a million birds flying into Point Calimere, half-a-lakh of which were flamingos. Similarly, the bird census in Pulicat, a decade ago, used to reveal a count of over a lakh flamingos. Last week, the Nature Trust volunteers spotted about […]

This Man's Touching Tribute To His Grandmother Broke My Heart

Giancarlo Murisciano recently posted a picture on Facebook on New Year’s Eve that broke the hearts of people around the world. It shows him cradling his 87-year-old grandmother, who suffers from Alzheimer’s. It was liked 400,000 times and shared 37,000 times, as it shows that real people still suffer from this terrible disease. Giancarlo wrote that he shared the picture “without shame or fear” to remind people in the new […]