
Category archives: Cause

A quarter of India's land is turning to desert, government report finds

Twenty-five per cent of India’s total land is undergoing desertification while 32 per cent is facing degradation that has affected its productivity, critically affecting the livelihood and food security of millions across the country. As much as 105.19 million hectares (Mha) of the country’s total geographical area of 328.73 Mha is being degraded, while 82.18 Mha is undergoing desertification. The major forms of land degradation include soil erosion (which accounts […]

5 Health-damaging household toxins

National Women’s Health Week іѕ a ɡrеаt reminder fοr women tο take charge οf thеіr health. Bυt thіѕ goes beyond a healthy diet, more exercise, less stress аnԁ more sleep. It’s scary tο thіnk thаt thе seemingly safe products аnԁ even food іn ουr home саn increase ουr risk οf сеrtаіn cancers аnԁ contribute fertility οr pregnancy issues. Toxins саn turn ουr homes frοm haven tο harmful. “Never underestimate thе […]

MH370: How long will the search continue?

When authorities confirmed last month that four “pings” heard in the southern Indian Ocean had nothing to do with Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, it was a devastating blow for those involved in the investigation, the families of those on board the missing jet, and the countless number of people around the world who had become captivated by the mystery surrounding the plane’s disappearance. What was described as “the most promising […]

'This will help the nation': Prime Minister professes 'pride' as he dedicates India's largest aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya

Amid heavy rainfall and lashing winds on Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated the Indian Navy’s costliest and most potent acquisition, aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, to the service of the nation.  By choosing to come on-board the INS Vikramaditya in his first trip outside Delhi after taking the oath of office, Modi sent a message to sailors present on the ship and the world that was watching that military matters […]

5 Good Reasons Why You Should Wait Until You’re 30 To Get Married

I’m not entirely convinced there is a reason to ever get married. But if you’re going to take the plunge, do it when you’re past your 20s. Very few marriages between two 20-somethings succeed for good reason. Sure, you may be an outlier, but why take the risk? I’m convinced that the majority – or nearly the majority – of failed marriages would have been successful if the once-happy couple […]

21 million Americans fear Friday the 13th – and there are good reasons why

Friday the 13th of June —  — will see businesses lose up to $900 million, according to The Independent, because as many as 21 million Americans are freaked out by the day and refuse to fly on airplanes, go to work, purchase a house or buy stock on the market.But why, in this day and age, does the supposition persist that the date is unlucky?If you answered that the 13th […]

Why are women being hanged in India?

Four women have been found hanging from trees in remote villages in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh in the last fortnight. The families of at least three of the dead, two of them teenage cousins, have alleged that they were murdered after being raped. Is this spate of grisly murders new?   Such crimes are not new to Uttar Pradesh, indeed to India. As a young girl, when I […]


 A few months back, I wrote this to help motivate, inspire and remind people of our purpose. I hope these words are impactful to you as they were to me. The biggest sport. Where you get knocked down. Where you get told your not good enough. Where doubt, rejection, and fear try to take over…is called life. In this sport, you have only one option. To keep running, to keep […]

7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Career at Home - Women

Although it’s important to relax after work, we often spend our time unproductively. Instead of watching TV, why not boost your career at home? If you want to get promoted at work or you just want to be a great expert in your field, you should work hard toward your goal. Read on to learn a few things you can do to improve your career at home. Don’t worry, these […]

The wrong kind of growth story: Increased prosperity brings rising obesity as global study ranks India third fattest country IN THE WORLD

In a country where 270 million people live below the ‘poverty line’, obesity seems to be a distant issue, meant for the rich kids of first world. But India is under siege: junk food, alcohol and sedentary lifestyles are leading us to silent self-destruction, making one in every five Indian men and women either obese or overweight. According to a study published in the noted journal Lancet, India is just […]