
Category archives: Cause

Eight missing as cargo ships collide outside of Tokyo Bay

The location of the collision, which occurred in the early hours of Tuesday morning.  STORY HIGHLIGHTS Vessels collide outside of Tokyo Bay, one sunk 12 crew members of Beagle III rescued, one remains in serious condition Eight Chinese crew members remain missing Two cargo ships collided just outside Tokyo Bay, according to the Japanese Coast Guard. The Panamanian-flagged Beagle III crashed into another vessel, the South Korean-registered Pegasus Prime, causing […]

Missing Malaysia plane: Chinese territory searched

The plane has been missing for more than a week, amid an unprecedented international search. China has started searching its territory for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, state media report, as the international search continues. Efforts to find the aircraft are focussing on two vast air corridors north and south of the plane’s last known location. China said no evidence of terror links had been found in Chinese passengers. The […]


Delta plane loses wing panel during flight

STORY HIGHLIGHTS The 179 passengers and six crew members landed safely Spokesman calls incident “highly unusual” A Delta Air Lines plane lost a panel on one of its wings during a flight from Orlando to Atlanta on Sunday. It landed safely. “Crew members aboard Flight 2412 reported an access panel had come off the plane’s wing while in flight,” said Delta spokesman Anthony Black. Flight 2412, with 179 passengers and […]

Messing about on the river! Luxury boat owner smashes craft into iconic Richmond Bridge on the Thames

A Princess V57 yacht, worth more than £1million, crashed into the bridge Powerful currents on the Thames contributed to the crash The boat only suffered minor damage and no one was injured On a gloriously sunny day, lazily sailing down the Thames in your own luxury boat is a lifestyle most people can only dream of. But for the would-be captain of a £1 million boat, it all went wrong […]

Six Important Facts You’re Not Being Told About Lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

There are some astonishing things you’re not being told about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the flight that simply vanished over the Gulf of Thailand with 239 people on board. The mystery of the flight’s sudden and complete disappearance has even the world’s top air safety authorities baffled. “Air-safety and antiterror authorities on two continents appeared equally stumped about what direction the probe should take,” reports the Wall Street Journal.   WSJ goes on […]

It WAS hijacked: Malaysian official says it's CONCLUSIVE jet carrying 239 was seized by individual or group 'with significant flying experience' as PM admits tracking was 'deliberately' disabled

Malaysian officials confirmed missing plane was hijacked by one or several people who turned off communication system and steered it off-course, according to sources At a press conference Saturday, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak refused to confirm reports the plane was ‘hijacked’, but admitted that disabled communication system and flight redirection was the result of ‘deliberate action’ on the plane Investigators working to establish motive and where plane was taken […]


Plane nose gear collapses on Philadelphia runway

The nose gear on a U.S. Airways plane that was about to take off with 149 people on board collapsed on the runway at Philadelphia International Airport. Jillian Kitchener reports.   Please follow and like us:

US official: 'Indication' missing Malaysia plane went down in Indian Ocean

US officials have an “indication” a missing Malaysia Airline jet went down in the Indian Ocean, the Pentagon said today.   Security chiefs have now moved the USS Kidd into the area, although it will take the naval destroyer 24 hours to reach its new position. “We have an indication the plane went down in the Indian Ocean,” a senior Pentagon official told ABC News. The official said they are […]

Brute bit off wife's EAR in culmination of years of domestic abuse during which he emptied her mother's ashes and vacuumed them up

ctePolish-born Damian Chwedczuk, 32, subjected wife Debbie to years of abuse He punched her, kicked her back and poked her eyes before biting her Debbie found the upper part of her ear on the floor of their Suffolk home Chwedczuk was jailed for four years, 11 months for the attack Jailed: Damian Chwedczuk bit off his wife’s ear in the culmination of years of domestic abuse during which he emptied […]

Two dead and 23 injured after car ploughs into pedestrians at South by Southwest festival

TWO people have died and at least 23 have been injured after a car ploughed into a crowd of pedestrians at a US festival.   The vehicle drove through temporary barricades at the South By Southwest (SXSW) film and music festival in Austin, Texas. Police said 23 people have been taken to hospital, with at least five suffering serious injuries.  The crash happened at around 12:30am and police say the […]