
Category archives: Politics



Obama seeks support for attacking Syria while pursuing diplomacy President Barack Obama tried Tuesday to sell a military intervention he never wanted to an American public that opposes it, telling the nation that he needed authorization to attack Syria as leverage in a newly emerged diplomatic opening from Russia. Calling the United States “the anchor of global security,” Obama offered moral, political and strategic arguments for being ready to launch […]

Give up weapons, Russia urges Syria

This week, and the one that follows, could be the days that break a president. If Barack Obama escapes humiliation that will be enough – there is no sense that even victory in Congress will leave him in an enviable position. The next few days will see Mr Obama stripped, all the flaws of his presidency on display, all the strengths of his personality strained to their limit. His dazzling […]


The smile that says we're best of enemies: Obama and Putin's overly warm welcome at G20 does little to thaw their new Cold War over Syria

Meeting of the leading world economies is being held in St Petersburg this week President Putin warned that action against Syria without UN approval would be ‘an aggression’ President Obama said the credibility of the international community was on the line David Cameron has arrived – already facing suggestions he has been sidelined after ruling out British involvement Mr Obama cancelled a planned one-on-one meeting with Mr Putin in Moscow […]

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned America and its allies against taking one-sided action in Syria.

President Putin said any non-UN sanctioned intervention would be interpreted as “aggression” Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned America and its allies against taking one-sided action in Syria. He said any military strikes without UN approval would be “an aggression”. US President Barack Obama has called for punitive action in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack. Mr Putin said Russia did not rule out supporting a UN Security Council […]


 Deeply impressed by outstanding political leadership: Country unbelievably peaceful, dynamic and beautiful: Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Jung Hong-won said that he was deeply impressed by the outstanding leadership and vision of political leaders such as President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Prime Minister D.M.Jayaratne. “I have full confidence that Sri Lanka will have a bright future with such prominent leadership and diligent people,” he told the Daily News in […]


'We now know Brits cannot be counted on': White House snub as US and France prepare to strike Syria as early as TOMORROW over chemical attack that killed 1,429

Team of chemical weapons experts left war-torn countryfor Lebanon U.S has ‘high confidence’ that Assad launched chemical weapons attack Britain left sidelined after David Cameron’s humiliating Commons defeat Sources say White House ‘now know the Brits cannot be counted on’ France could now join U.S in missile strikes against Syria U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry lavished praise on ‘oldest ally’ France America says 1,429 people were killed in chemical […]

82 child soldiers saved in Democratic Republic of Congo -- U.N. force

STORY HIGHLIGHTS 82 child soldiers have been rescued from an armed group, U.N mission says 13 girls were among the children rescued from the Mayi Mayi Bakata Katanga The children range from 8 to 17 years in age; 40 have been reunited with their families The Democratic Republic of the Congo has a long history of violence Scores of child soldiers, some of them as young as eight years old, […]

Obama's foreign policy in a tailspin

America’s foreign policy has gone into a tailspin. Almost every major initiative from the Obama administration has run into sharp, sometimes embarrassing, reverses. The U.S. looks weak and confused on the global stage. This might come as happy news to some opponents of the administration who enjoy seeing Barack Obama fail, but it shouldn’t. America’s failure in international strategy is a disaster-in-the-making for its allies and for the people who […]

New chill whistles through US-Russia relations

Even before the Snowden affair, US-Russian relations were in trouble. The interaction and body language between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin at the G8 summit in Northern Ireland in June was astoundingly tense. After a meeting on the sidelines of the summit, the two men sat on stage for a few snapshots, silent and sullen, until they made an effort for the rolling cameras, said a few words and forced […]

Kasparov: Why cracks are starting to appear in Putin's Russia

Garry Kasparov is a world chess champion and human rights activist. He is the chairman of the Russian United Civil Front and the New York-based Human Rights Foundation, which holds the annual Oslo Freedom Forum. Kasparov is a frequent speaker on decision-making, strategy, risk, and technology, especially the area of human-machine collaboration. His book “How Life Imitates Chess” has been translated into over 20 languages.” He can be found on […]