
Category archives: Science & Technology

World Cancer Day: Are these carcinogenic foods in your diet?

Cancer is one of the fastest growing lifestyle diseases in the world. The food we eat can affect our risk of developing cancer. According o the experts 1 out of 10 cancer cases can be prevented with the right diet. Hence, it is very important to make sure what we eat is right and healthy. In India, about 2.5 million people currently suffer from some form of cancer and about […]

7 Common Symptoms Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 4% of the women between the ages of 40 and 60 suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. So is B12 vitamin that critical for the body? Yes, it is. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause serious health issues as it is required to make red blood cells, nerve development, DNA, and various other bodily functions. Apart from age, various other factors such as certain […]

20 Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide You Didn’t Know About

Everyone should have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide at home simply for the plethora of uses it offers. An antibacterial, antiviral and an anti-acne agent, hydrogen peroxide is naturally produced in the body by the white blood cells to enhance your immunity. It can be used to freshen your vegetables and clean your kitchen cabinets and refrigerator. It can also be used as an oral cleanser as well as to […]

Benefits Of Sweet Flag For Babies

Sweet flag (Acorus calamus) is a perennial herb with immense medicinal value. It is a semi-aquatic herb with distinctive aromatic underground stems, which has numerous medical properties. The dried rhizome of the plant contains a yellow odorous oil. It is an important ingredient in many Ayurvedic medicines, not just for babies, but also for adults. Hippocrates of Kos, the Father of Modern Medicine, and other medical practitioners around the world […]


Amazing NASA video offers a trip down onto the surface of Pluto - Watch

NASA has released a striking video that makes viewers as if they’re driving into the surface of Pluto. The movie was created using images captured by the New Horizons spacecraft during its approach and close flyby of the dwarf planet in July, 2015. “The video offers a trip down onto the surface of Pluto – starting with a distant view of Pluto and its largest moon, Charon – and leading […]

Soluble and insoluble fibre: Know their differences, why you need both in your diet!

We all know fibre plays an important role in our diet. Fibre, found only in plant products, can be in two forms – soluble and insoluble – both play different roles in promoting health and preventing diseases. Soluble fibre and its health benefits Soluble fibre is ‘soluble’ in water. It forms a gel-like substance and swells when mixed with water.   Foods rich in soluble fiber include oats and oatmeal, legumes […]

Did you know? A cup of coffee a day may help you live longer

Coffee lovers, rejoice! Drinking a cup of coffee daily may help you live longer than those who don’t, a new study has claimed. Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine in the US have unearthed a connection between advancing age, systemic inflammation, cardiovascular disease and coffee consumption. They found that a chronic inflammatory process that occurs in some older people may trigger cardiovascular problems and increased rates of mortality […]

Clapping for health: Five benefits that will surprise you

All of us have done this – clapping – be it celebrations, promotions, good grades and results. Yet, you may not be aware that clapping hands can be a blessing for your health. While this seems to be a joke, clapping hands has many health benefits and it’s absolutely worth putting your hands together and clap. Clapping has been scientifically proven as an effective exercise in curing many diseases. Take […]

Teen addicted to Internet games is ‘rare’ patient in a Delhi hospital

“There is a category called Internet gaming addiction. In diagnostic parallels, this type of addiction is under the category for further research. It is not a clear-cut disorder,” says Dr Manish Jain HE USED TO spend eight hours a day in front of the computer screen, glued to the Internet game. Sometimes, he stretched it to 12. The game controlled his thought patterns, social interactions and sleep schedule. And when […]

Salmonella: Scientists find a way to treat brain tumour by using food poisoning bacteria

Scientists claimed to have discovered a way in the fight against glioblastoma – the most aggressive type of brain tumour – by using a strain of salmonella, that usually causes food poisoning. The researchers, which include those of Indian origin, at the Duke University genetically modified Salmonella typhimurium into a cancer-bursting weapon that produces self-destruct orders deep within tumours. Tests in rat models with extreme cases of the disease showed […]