
Category archives: Science & Technology

Is It Better To Eat Fast Or Slow

In this day and age everyone is always on the go and is striving to get success in this competitive world. In this kind of a stressful life, you don’t even have time to sit and eat properly. In this scenario, if you are wondering “is it better to eat fast or slow”, then keep reading. A few people have adopted this busy lifestyle so much that they have made […]

Stephen Hawking warns against seeking out aliens

British physicist Stephen Hawking has warned against announcing our presence to any alien civilisations, especially to those more technologically advanced than humans. Our first contact from an advanced civilisation could be equivalent to when Native Americans first encountered Christopher Columbus and things “didn’t turn out so well”, Hawking said in a new online film. The film, “Stephen Hawking’s Favourite Places”, takes viewers to five significant locations across the cosmos, on […]

Five ayurvedic superfruits you must try this fall!

Autumn is a beautiful time to begin a new self-care routine that will keep you on tracks during cold and dark winter days. Fall is a transitional season, and in this season we all need a diet that strengthens our immune system and prepares our body for the harsh winter. We all know that ayurvedic or ancient healing fruits posses immune-boosting properties. Ideally, these fruits should be eaten throughout the […]

Lesser-known health benefits of fenugreek seeds!

Fenugreek seeds are widely used as a herb, spice and vegetable in the Indian kitchen. Though the seeds has a strong taste and bitter taste, but gives immense health benefits as it contains rich amount of various nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron in it. Fenugreek seeds are good for health as it helps to reduce cholesterol level, especially that of the low density lipoprotein (LDL). Being a […]

Parents, take note: Just 15 minutes of television a day can kill your child's creativity

you though wastage of time was the only reason your kids should stay away from the idiot box, this should come as news to you. A new study has found that children who spend 15 minutes or more in a day watching their favourite cartoons on television may be at an increased risk of losing their creative minds as compared to those who read books or solve jigsaw puzzles. Watching […]

World Ozone Day: Researchers say hole above Antarctica may be closed by 2050

The International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer was proclaimed as 16 September in 1994 by the UN General Assembly. The day was selected to commemorate the signing of the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. The theme for Ozone Day 2016 is ‘Ozone and climate: Restored by a world united’. It recognises the collective efforts of the parties to the Vienna convention and the […]


Smiling or laughing is infectious, looking at someone smiling naturally makes you reciprocate, even if you are having a rough day. Be it a fight with your spouse or that frustrating traffic, you see a giggling baby and it tickles your funny bone, doesn’t it? Today’s mundane stressful work life has taken a toll on our health and we have forgotten to live in the present and enjoy the little […]

11 facts about our mysterious oceans and marine life

That’s a lot of water. It stands to reason that we know so little about it. The oceans are a dark mystery. They surround us, and yet they are largely unknown. We once thought they were flat and boring. We now know they are anything but. And there’s so much more to discover. Have you ever heard someone say that such-and-such would be as difficult as emptying all the oceans? […]


Are you stressed? Know the signs and how to cope with it! – Watch video

Moving towards a fast-paced life can often take its toll on you and put you under mounting pressure and stress. Financial issues, relationships, job, health problems, societal pressures – the list of things in life that cause us stress are endless, but the fact remains that we are always under stress, which can lead to further health problems. Understanding and realising the cause of your stress is highly important. There […]


They never get sick, don't know about cancer and live up to 120 years, this is their secret!

The people who are believed to be the happiest and to live the longest on this planet are those that live in the Northern part of Pakistan. We talk about the Hunza people, who are the only cancer-free population. Moreover, the women give birth, even at the age of 65, and all of them are usually bathing in cold water. Dr. Robert McCarrison reported that nobody among the Hunza people […]