
Category archives: Science & Technology

Once-in-a-lifetime scene: Strawberry full moon to meet summer solstice today!

Today, the astronomers and skygazers of northern hemisphere are going to witness a rare celestial event which roughly occurs once in a generation. For the first time in 70 years the Strawberry full moon will rise on the day of summer solstice. June 20 is the summer solstice of 2016 which marks the beginning of official summer season. The daytime will be the longest today and sun will shine for […]

The surprising secret to discovering your true self

Waking up to who you are is not that hard; it just requires a little faith in free will, suggests a pair of studies. The Texas A&M University researchers found that diminishing a person’s belief in free will leads to them feeling less like their true selves. “Whether you agree that we have free will or that we are overpowered by social influence or other forms of determinism, the belief […]


This berry can kill cancer in few minutes - Watch!

Scientists claimed to have discovered a berry which holds cancer-fighting ingredients. As per a study led by Dr Glen Boyle from the QIMR Berghofer medical research institute in Brisbane, a compound in the rainforest berry could kill head and neck tumours as well as melanomas within minutes. In the pre-clinical trials, an experimental drug produced from the seeds of the rainforest plant, Blushwood tree (Hylandia Dockrillii), has been shown to […]

10 reasons you should start drinking black tea every day!

If you’re one of those who loves to take an extra cup of black tea, it might not be as bad as you might have thought. In fact, this tea widely used and liked by many people possesses a wealth of health benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of consuming black tea regularly: Daily consumption of black tea reduces your risk for diabetes. Good for digestion as tannins […]

Sleeping Late May Make You Put On Weight: Study

Sleeping late may be associated with higher fast food consumption and lower vegetable intake as well as reduced physical activity, a new study has warned. The results show that late sleep timing in healthy adults with a habitual sleep duration of at least 6.5 hours is linked with poorer diet quality, particularly fast food, vegetable and dairy intake, researchers said. “Our results help us further understand how sleep timing in […]

World Brain Tumour Day: Tumour facts and symptoms you should not ignore

There are more than 120 different types of brain tumours showing different symptomatology. Be aware. A brain tumour is a cancerous or a non-cancerous mass or growth of abnormal cells in the brain. Most common brain tumours develop from cells that support the nerve cells of the brain — glial cells. These tumours are called glioma. Brain tumours can also be named after the part of the brain they are […]

India will soon join missile treaty club

India came closer to the first of four nuclear regimes it is trying to gain entry into, with countries belonging to the 34-member Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) raising no objection to India’s membership later this year. Diplomatic sources confirmed to The Hindu that after a proposal, circulated by the current Dutch chairperson of MTCR, had met with no objection by the deadline on Monday, India’s membership is a “done […]

Most food products marketed by celebrities in US unhealthy: Study

A vast majority of the food and beverage products endorsed by some of the most popular celebrities in the US are unhealthy, finds a new study.   The findings showed that advertisements on fast foods, sweets as well as non-alcoholic beverages like soda and other sugary drinks, were the second-largest in the endorsement category, comprising 18 per cent of endorsements and frequently targetted children and adolescents as the audience.   […]

Unknown Medicinal Benefits Of Jeera (Cumin Seeds)

Because of its numerous medicinal properties, jeera or cumin is used as an ingredient in several homemade remedies and ayurvedic preparations. According to Ayurveda, it balances both vata and kapha. It is frequently used in Indian households for cooking curries and various other food items. It adds a nice flavour to the food and adds a medicinal value to it. Intake of water boiled with cumin seeds increases milk in […]

From A Natural Sweetener To An Antiseptic, Honey Is The Miracle Medicine We Don't Know About

Honey, the golden coloured liquid which has been part of our customs, traditions and food since ages is much more than a sweetener. Though it was primarily used to sweeten food, much before sugar began to be manufactured in 16th century, it was also a medicine, a beauty agent and a mystery product that could prevent evil eye, promote wellness and do away with the ill effects of warring constellations! […]