
Category archives: Science & Technology


This Drink Cures Depression, Reduces Pain and Works as Anti Inflammatory

Today, depression is a very common emotional state of mind. It is an extremely complex disease. No one knows exactly what causes it, but it can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, when people are depressed, they eat and drink to help themselves feel better. Here is a recipe of an anti-depressant turmeric juice if you or a loved one is suffering from depression. Please follow and like us:

Magnesium Helps Regulate Body's Internal Clock: Study

The fluctuating levels of Magnesium, an important nutrient, has an enormous impact on metabolism and regulation of human body’s internal clock, scientists have found in a first-of-its-kind research. Experiments in three major types of biological organisms – human cells, algae, and fungi – found in each case that levels of magnesium in cells rise and fall in a daily cycle. Scientists at the University of Edinburgh and the MRC Laboratory […]


Royal London Hospital streams world’s first surgery in virtual reality

If you think you have been to a theatre with cutting edge technology, then think again. An operation on a patient with colon cancer at The Royal London Hospital is the first in the world to be broadcasted live through virtual reality (VR) technology. On Thursday, medical students watched remotely though VR headsets and smartphones to learn about surgery at first hand from one of the country’s leading cancer surgeons, […]


Be it physical or emotional, taking unnecessary stress can not only give you headache or neck pain, it may also cause your blood sugar levels to rise increase the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. According to health experts, our changing lifestyle and sedentary routine are the main reasons behind the rise in the incidence of diabetes in India.   Marked stress causes the release of several hormones like adrenaline […]

Indian scientists develop eco-friendly technology for water purification

Indian scientists have developed an eco-friendly nanotechnology for water-softening applications that could be used in civic water treatment plants for generating potable water, said the official of a technical institute. The team from Institute of Advance Study in Science & Technology (IASST) in Assam’s Guwahati, crafted a biopolymer using a naturally occurring substance, called chitosan (obtained from the hard outer skeleton of shellfish, including crab, lobster, and shrimp) as a […]

World Parkinson's Disease Day: Familiarise yourself with the condition

All of us have already run through our health courses especially in the month of April, with the most essential World Health Day on the 7th. Yet, there is no harm in going through the subject once again. It is purely for our own benefit that we gather an idea of all the deadly diseases that are doing the rounds and can possibly target one of us in the near […]

These fat-rich foods can actually help you lose weight!

Fats are a major source of energy and make up a huge part of our daily diets. They are essential for bodily functions like absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, building of cell membranes and sheaths surrounding nerves. Besides these functions, fats also aid in blood clotting, muscle movement and prevent inflammation. However, we try making a conscious effort to reduce our fat intake each time. When it comes to […]


Watch: This is how ladyfinger contributes towards our good health!

Green vegetables are something that we all have literally been forced to eat throughout our childhoods and somehow, always failed to understand why. However, Okra or the Ladyfinger, as it is more commonly called, was probably one of those green vegetables that some of us could eat without a fuss. Not many are aware, though, that by consuming this green veggie, they were actually setting a base for long-term good […]

Five ways to tackle migraine headache!

Headaches are a huge nuisance, everyone will agree to that. They occur at the most inappropriate times, reduce concentration and happen due to various reasons. However, there is one headache disorder that surpasses most of them and that is migraine. Migraines are super intense and give you a splitting headache that takes hours to subside and the associated dizziness and sensitivity to light don’t exactly help matters. But like they […]

Fasting helps boost immunity, curb intestinal inflammation: Study

The next time your mother wants to fast, don’t stop her. A new study says the age-old practice of fasting could help boost immunity and control intestinal inflammation. The research is on a subject termed as Caloric Restriction (CR). “CR in the form of fasting has been used in traditional medicinal practices such as homoeopathy, naturopathy, Ayurveda for treating various ailments. However, complete understanding about how CR benefits our health […]