
Category archives: Science & Technology

Are human head transplants coming soon?

It sounds like the plot for a science fiction movie. Someone has a horrific accident and winds up in the hospital, brain dead and on life support. Doctors approach the family about organ donation, but instead of saving as many as eight lives, the family is asked to donate the whole body to save just one individual. Perhaps a quadriplegic with a mind that outmatches their malfunctioning body. As crazy […]

Ginger: An Ayurvedic Universal Medicine

Ginger a common kitchen spice which we use in almost every spicy dish we make. It gives an excellent spicy nature to any food. But do you know it can used to treat more than 10 common diseases that we see regularly! Ayurveda describes it as an Analgesic, Carminative, Antiemetic, Aphrodisiac, Aphoristic, Digestive, Expectorant, and Stimulant. This digestive friendly and wonder drug is described as a universal medicine by Ayurveda. […]

Five lesser known health benefits of turnip

Turnips are root vegetables. They belong to the family of Brassicaceae which is basically the family of green vegetables like cabbage, kale, brussel-sprouts, etc. We generally eat the roots but their sprouts and leaves are also edible and nutritious. Like other vegetables, turnips are very nutritious and good for health. Here are some of the health benefits of the root vegetable: Prevents cancer: The root vegetable contains high levels of […]

World Autism Awareness Day: Caring for a child with ASD

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the normal brain’s function. The condition makes a person hard to communicate with and relate to other people.   The disability is part of the autism spectrum and therefore is sometimes referred to as an autism spectrum disorder, or an ASD.   It is believed that symptoms occur in the first two years of an individual’s life and the condition remains with the […]

Total lunar eclipse on April 4 to be visible all over India

New Delhi: India will be able to witness the spectacular view of the total lunar eclipse on April 4, given the weather conditions are good, says an expert. lunar eclipse occurs when the earth comes in between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon. “It is total if the earth completely blocks the moon, as will happen on April 4,” B M Birla Science Centre Director […]

Global average Internet speed grew 20% year over year to 4.5 Mbps, mobile traffic jumped by 54%

Global average connection speeds rose 20 percent year over year to 4.5 Mbps in Q4 2014. Meanwhile, mobile demands continue to grow, with data traffic increasing by 54 percent in the last year. The latest figures come from Akamai, which today published its quarterly State of the Internet Report for Q4 2014. The firm found 132 countries experienced an increase in average connection speeds year over year, ranging from 0.3 […]

Want rice with HALF the calories? Just cook it with coconut oil and refrigerate it overnight before eating

Scientists say cooking the rice this way can cut the calories by up to 60% The method increases the amount of resistant starch (RS) in the rice RS is indigestible to the human body and so is not turned into sugar or fat However, doctors have warned reheating rice can cause food poisoning Do you love rice but are worried about your weight? The good news is scientists have now […]

Home Remedies For Bruises

The moment you hear the word bruise, you either think about domestic violence or a fight. However, you should know that it is not always because you had a fight and someone punched your face and turned it black and blue, as the traditional description goes. What Causes Bruises? Anyhow, there are several things that can cause bruises on your skin but all bruises are basically caused due to the […]

Mars Has Nitrogen, Key to Life: NASA

  NASA’s Curiosity rover has found nitrogen on the surface of Mars, a significant discovery that adds to evidence the Red Planet could once have sustained life, the space agency said Tuesday. By drilling into Martian rocks, Curiosity found evidence of nitrates, compounds containing nitrogen that can be used by living organisms. The Curiosity team has already found evidence that other ingredients needed for life, such as liquid water and […]

Eating for Beauty: A Seasonal Fruit for Fabulous Skin

  The guava tree at my great grand-parent’s house in Bangalore drove me crazy. As the tree bore fruit, the strong-sweet smell around the house was intoxicating and all I ever wanted to do was climb the tree to grab one of the green-yellow fruit. The only catch was that after just a few bites I’d get this unexplainable stomach ache that drove me nuts for the rest of the […]