
Category archives: Science & Technology

Long-Term Painkiller Use Increases Risk of Depression

According to new research, people who frequently take opioid medicines or painkillers to deal with chronic pain are more likely to get depressed.   Previous research suggests that depression is associated with patients’ opioid use, but this particular study has identified the link between an increase in opioid use and an increase in depression.   Jeffrey Scherrer, associate professor for family and community medicine at the Saint Louis University in […]


Meet the Earth Martians. People Who Might First Settle Down In Mars.

Mars One, a one of a kind mission will release volunteers on planet Mars. The mission got a positive response from 200,000 people who are willing to leave Earth and make Mars their new home. Mars One has picked four such volunteers who will be released on the planet. Before that, there will be a training process conducted to teach the volunteers how different their lifestyle be on the red […]

Powerful Herbs That Fight Viruses Where Antibiotics Fail.

  The virus is a different organism than the bacteria. Some people find viruses “scarier” because antibiotics have no effect on them. Herbs though do have antiviral action, and many of these are widely available. Here are some of them most common ones used, though there are several. 1. Lemon Balm Lemon Balm classed with antiviral herbs In Germany, the antiviral effects of lemon balm are well-documented, and creams made […]

Overcoming Anorexia Nervosa

  Ayurveda is the sister science of Yoga, which heals patients by putting us back in touch with nature’s eternal rhythm. Ayurveda explains the macrocosm (the universe surrounding us) and the microcosm (the universe within: our individual mind and body containers) in terms of the five great elements. These elements include ether, air, fire, water, and earth. 5 Natural Elements And Doshas The five great elements combine to form three […]

Will eating after 9 PM cause weight gain?

This is a myth that you can scribble off your myths list. The time of day has no bearing on fat storage and weight gain. The fact is weight gain is a function of total calories consumed v/s a person’s energy expenditure and metabolic rate. Your digestive system religiously does it’s job whenever you ask it to. The notion of having a fixed cut off time was to program people […]

8 vegetables you should be eating to boost your disease-fighting potential

Tomatoes – Tomato contains amazing amounts of lycopene which is said to have anti oxidant properties. Studies have shown that tomato can reduce prostate cancer especially in synergy with broccoli. A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggested that ‘the intake of tomatoes and tomato products is associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer. This benefit may be related to the antioxidant properties of lycopene, […]

Calling aliens on Earth might be catastrophic, warns Stephen Hawking

  New Delhi: Physicist Stephen Hawking has warned the scientists against beaming messages into the universe and showing our presence as it could turn out to be catastrophic. The idea that we might not be alone in this vast universe has made Scientists to explore different ways to communicate with the aliens and sending them signals from Earth. But Stephen Hawking has time and again warned them against it as […]

Not in front of the telly: Warning over 'listening' TV

Samsung is warning customers to avoid discussing personal information in front of their smart television set. The warning applies to TV viewers who control their Samsung Smart TV using its voice activation feature. Such TV sets “listen” to every conversation held in front of them and may share any details they hear with Samsung or third parties, it said. Privacy campaigners said the technology smacked of the telescreens, in George […]

Benefits of Lemon Juice

Lemon is a famous, delicious, juicy and easily available fruit on low price. Lemon is factually a small fruit rich in Vitamins which are necessary for our body. Lemon is a source of vitamin C, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. 1- Solve digestion Problem Take lemon juice with hot water, it can help you treat and prevent digestion problems. Even it is positive in care of nausea, […]

New sample by Curiosity shows that water on Mars much more acidic

  Washington: A new Martian sample taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover hints at water that was more acidic than evidenced in its first drill at Mount Sharp – a layered rock record of ancient Martian environment. The rover used a new, low-percussion-level drilling technique to collect sample powder from a rock target called “Mojave 2.” The first sample of the mountain’s base layer came from a target called “Confidence Hills”. […]