
Category archives: Science & Technology

Late-night snacks may damage memory

Late-night meals may interfere with your memory, a new study has warned. The study in mice found that eating during times of day when one would normally be sleeping impaired the animals’ memory for objects they had seen, even when the rats got the same amount of sleep as mice on a normal eating and sleeping schedule. Study co-author Christopher Colwell, of the University of California, Los Angeles, and a […]

What Can I Do To Stop Snoring ?

Snoring is a fairly common disorder which affects 40% of men and 25% of women. Not all snoring is created equal, everyone snores for different reasons. Some maybe as serious as sleep apnea and some might be simple as a bad sleeping position. Once you understand the issues behind your snoring, it will be easy to resolve them. Remedies to dodge snoring: Clear nasal passages as a stuffy nose makes […]

How to speed up your Android smartphone

Though the hardware of smartphones is steadily becoming more capable it can’t be utilised to its fullest potential without the software to tap it. This is personal technology’s modern hurdle – the optimization of both hardware and software to ensure a fast and seamless user experience. The effects of this optimization are most tangible for smartphone users, who in today’s fast-paced world become impatient and frustrated if their smartphone starts […]

Scientists discover how birds localize sound sources

German researchers have figured out how birds locate the source of a sound even though they don’t have external ears. Outer ears on mammals help the animal identify whether sounds are coming above, below or at the same level. Technische Universität München (TUM) has solved that mystery, publishing its findings in the journal PLOS ONE. The location of a sound is key to survival, say the scientists. For instance, blackbirds […]

The ability to enjoy and perceive life is all related to brain Function.

Brain Fog, Memory Loss and Emotional Instability all have one thing in common –Neuro-degeneration.  Neuro-degeneration occurs when the neurons, the brain cells that transmit information, die due to lack of activation, stimulation or proper nutrients.  The following are some simple steps you can take to provide your brain with its basic nutrients, while keeping it active, and stimulated: 1.     Keep your blood sugar balanced Eat every 2-3 hours and be […]

What Is Natural Alternative For Emergency Contraceptive Pill?

The emergency contraceptive pill is considered as a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex, contraceptive failure or an unwanted pregnancy. Though not widely reported but side effects of these pills can be long lasting and put at risk your chances of conceiving later. Much before the advent of the pill and other contraceptives, ancient medicine used herbs and other foods as potent contraceptives. Though not many […]

How to Recover Deleted Photos from a Memory Card

The modern age is epitomised by our daily consumption and creation of digital content. If that includes photos, videos and software, then the question of storage arises – to keep the stuff you want to save. While the ever-burgeoning and wallet-breaking demands for more and more storage – to keep all the content we want for posterity or easy-access – are not to be ignored, here we concentrate on how […]

Bad luck: Men with poor semen have poorer health, too

Could semen point to a man’s overall health? A new study finds that men with faulty semen also were far more likely to have a range of health problems, from heart disease to skin irritations. The finding, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, suggests that men who have fertility problems should have a broader check-up as well. It’s not clear if some lifestyle or environmental factor might be hurting […]


Curiosity rover finds crater it is exploring was once a giant Martian LAKE - and may have been teeming with life

Mount Sharp was built by sediments deposited in a large lake bed over tens of millions of years, Curiosity has found Shows ancient Martian climate may have produced lakes at many locations Now believed the  ancient, thick atmosphere on Mars raised temperatures above freezing globally on the planet Billions of years ago, a lake once filled the 96-mile- (154-km) wide crater being explored by NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity, bolstering evidence […]

Old laptop batteries could power slums in India: study

Washington: Discarded laptop batteries still have enough life in them to power slums in India and other developing countries, a new study by IBM India has found. The research presented at a conference in San Jose, US, analysed a sample of discarded batteries and found 70 per cent had enough power to keep an LED light on for more than four hours a day for a year. According to researchers […]